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Notice for pensioners



The Consul General’s Office in Toronto wishes to inform  Sri Lankan pensioners that Life/Residence Certificates for 2023 are now accepted for attestation by the Consulate   until March 31, 2023.

Since, the Consul General’s  Office has to strictly follow  the Ontario health guidelines with regard to COVID-19, and restrictions, all pensioners  are kindly requested to adhere to the following instructions;

1.Duly fill  the Life/Residence Certificates 2023 and place your signature at category 03 ( front page down) and the Declaration category on the reverse  side of the form.

2.With duly filled  form attach copies of the following

  • Only the photo page of your  valid  Sri Lankan or Canadian passport.
  • Pension card,  and
  • A  self addressed stamped envelope in order to send you the  attested copy

3.You can only drop off the form with the attachments in the special box at the Consul General’s Office  or send by post.

           If you wish to  send by post  please get your doctors attestation with his/her names  stamp on the Certification category of the reverse  side of the form. In order to  avoid Covid-19  risk, specially disabled, medically, physically challenged and seniors are kindly                    requested to refrain from  visiting  our Office and instead  send their forms  with doctors attestation post  with self addressed stamped envelope.

4.Due to Covid-19  risk, entrance to the building is restricted and facility is not provided to fill the form at the Office. No waiting will be available until  Ontario  Covid-19  restrictions are eased/lifted. Therefore,  please  fill your forms at home.

5.Upon receipt of your form, this Office will attest and forward the originals to the Pensions  Department and send your  copy  to you in the  self addressed envelope within 10 days.

 6.We appreciate  your understanding and cooperation and wish you good health.



Obtaining of Life Certificates for Foreign Pensioners - 2018

Read in Sinhala and Tamil (in PDF format)

It has been scheduled to conduct the obtaining of life certificates for foreign pensioners for the year 2018 from 01.12.2017 to 31.03.2018. Foreign pensioners should take action to submit their life certificates only through the Foreign Pension Division of the Department of Pensions or a Sri Lanka Diplomatic Mission or Post in their country of residence.

 02. Specimen form of “Life Certificate 2018” should be downloaded from the website. The duly filled specimen form should be submitted to the Sri Lanka Diplomatic Mission or Post or the Foreign Pensions Division by the pensioner him/herself along with the confirmation of their identity by producing a valid passport.

03. Life certificates which are attested only by the Director General of Pensions/Director, Pensions/Assistant Director (Pensions) /authorized officers in a Sri Lanka Diplomatic Mission/Post or divisional head (Foreign Pensions) are accepted as valid life certificates.

04. Pensioners who are not able to visit a Sri Lanka Diplomatic Mission or Post due to old age or ill health, should hand over their life certificates certified by a doctor who is treating  him/her to the Department of Pensions through the Sri Lanka Diplomatic Mission or Post.

 05. Obtained life certificates through the Sri Lanka Diplomatic Mission or Post should be scanned the Sri Lanka Diplomatic Mission or Post and entered into the data system of the Department of Pensions using the The acceptance/rejection would be done after an inspection by the Department of Pensions.

 06. Life certificates of those foreign pensioners who submitted their life certificates to the Foreign Pension Division of the  Department of Pensions will be entered into the data system directly after the attestation of the Director General of Pensions/Director (Pensions) /Assistant Director (Pensions) or Divisional Head (Foreign Pensions). Notifying to pensioners on the life certificates entered into the data system and life certificates rejected due to incomplete information provided will be done through the Department website from 01.04.2018 to 30.04.2018.

 07. Pensioners who are abroad for less than three (03) years and obtain their pensions via the Divisional Secretaries should submit their life certificates through their Divisional Secretaries.

 08. Action will be taken to suspend pension payments temporarily from May 2018 of pensioners who have not submitted their life certificates by 31.03.2018. A relief period to re-submit the life certificates will be granted from 01.04.2018 to 30.04.2018 to pensioners who had already submitted their life certificates but the certificates were rejected due to incomplete information. Action will be taken to suspend the pension payments temporarily from May 2018 to those pensioners who have not submitted their life certificates during the stipulated period. Arrears of pension payments on behalf of pensioners who have not submitted life certificates would be notified later.

09. Your cooperation in the submission of life certificates for the year 2018 would be highly appreciated, as the pension payment process is depended on the confirmation of the identity of the pensioners.















