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Application for an Emergency Travel Document (NMRP)

An Emergency travel document valid up to 10 days may be issued to enable a Sri Lankan national to return to Sri Lanka in case of an emergency in the following circumstances.

* The original passport is lost

* The original passport is expired

Documents Required

 a)  A letter requesting an Emergency passport

b)  Duly filled Application (Click here for Application form K)

c)  Three Photographs (Colour, 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm)

d)  Expired passport or if lost, copy of lost passport

e)  Police report (If the passport is lost)

f)  Original Birth Certificate

g)  National Identity Card (If available)

h)  Citizenship Certificate (If the applicant is a citizen by registration)

i)  Document proof of the applicant’s legal status in Canada

j) Confirmed air ticket

Charges – CA$ 100/- ( money order/ Bank Draft  drawn in favour of “Consulate General of Sri Lanka”) 

Processing Time - Will be issued the day before travelling

Instructions for Filing Applications

1. Application should be filled preferably in BLOCK letters

2. Three photographs should be furnished as specified in the application. Please ensure that the signatures are confined to the cages provided immediately below the photographs.

3. The photograph should be clear, good quality, fresh (current picture), without spectacles and with open ears.

4.  The original documents should be submitted along with photocopies, taken on regular (letter) size paper, one sided.


* Submission of forged documents and making false declarations relating to citizenship is a punishable offence. Fees will not be refunded in these circumstances.

* Incomplete applications will be returned and consular fees will not be refunded.

* According to the Sri Lankan Immigrations Regulations, Sri Lankan Citizens who have applied and gained refugee status or asylum are not entitled to a Sri Lankan passport and also to renew validity of their existing passports. However, temporary travel documents will be issued to the following categories of Sri Lankans for the sole purpose of returning to Sri Lanka.

* Those who have applied for refugee or asylum status and awaiting decision of the Canadian government.

* Those who have applied for refugee or asylum status but have subsequently withdrawn their applications.

* Those who have given up their refugee or asylum status and decided to return to Sri Lanka.

* Those whose applications for asylum or refugee status have been rejected by the Canadian government in which such status has been sought.