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Press Release issued by the Media Centre of the Ministry of Defence and Urban Development to travel to Northern Province by Foreign Nationals

Whilst    welcoming    and   appreciating    positive    assistance    rendered    by   Friendly Countries, International   Organizations   as well  as Non  Governmental   Organizations   in peace building  and development,   it is the duty of the Ministry  of Defence  and Urban  Development to take  appropriate   measures  to prevent  negative  interventions,   particularly   in the Northern Province. 

Conscious   of  its  duty  towards  maintaining   national  security  and  creating  necessary conditions  for national  processes,  the Ministry  of Defence  and Urban  Development   requests foreign  nationals  to obtain  prior  approval  when  they  intend  travelling  to the north.  It is also informed  that  the  objectives   and   purposes  of the  projects  or other  reasons  for   which  they intend to travel are also be clearly  indicated. 

Foreign  nationals   intending  to  travel  to Northern  Province  can  obtain  approval  by  sending written  requests  to the following  address/fax: 

 Secretary,  Ministry  of Defence  and Urban Development

 (Attention  Military  Liaison  Officer)

15/5,   Baladaksha  Mawatha

Colombo  03.

Fax: +94112328109





15th October  2014


Foreign Passport holders travelling to the North...

Press Release in PDF...



Yal Devi again after 24 years


The famous north-bound Yal Devi train resumed carrying passengers to Jaffna today (Oct. 13), after a 24-year lapse, when President Mahinda Rajapaksa declared open the Northern Railway Line up to Jaffna joining the inaugural drive as a special passenger.

In line with this, the Jaffna Railway Station also was opened by the President. The Jaffna railway station is now featured many modern facilities including novel communication electronic signal system.

Three railway stations between Palai and Jaffna located in Kodikamam, Chavakachcheri and Navatkuli were also opened by the President.

The Government of India provided financial and technical assistance to reconstruct the Northern Railway Line.

Read more: Yal Devi again after 24 years


Sri Lanka should be judged in proportion to the challenges faced by a country emerging from a 30 year terrorist conflict

- Ambassador Aryasinha tells the Human Rights Committee in Geneva 

Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva and Leader of the Sri Lanka delegation to the Human Rights Committee Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha asked the Human Rights Committee to “judge Sri Lankain proportion to the challenges Sri Lanka has continued to face as a country emerging from a 30 year terrorist conflict". 

The Ambassador made this observation in responding to comments made during the consideration of Sri Lanka's 5th Periodic Report under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) by the Human Rights Committee,which was held on 7-8 October 2014 in Geneva. The Human Rights Committee comprises a body of independent experts from 18 countries that monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by its State parties. 

Read more: Sri Lanka should be judged in proportion to the challenges faced by a country emerging from a 30 year terrorist conflict



The 7th edition of the Sri Lanka  Footwear  &  Leather  Fair  will be organized by the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (SLEDB) in association with Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Industrial Development Board and the Sri Lanka Footwear and Leather Product Manufacturers Association. The Fair will be held from 6th to 8th February  2015 at the BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

This  Fair which  will  be of international  standard  consists  of approximately 230 trade  stalls to display footwear, leather products and  travel goods. Foreign   suppliers of raw material, components and machinery are also invited to participate at this exhibition.  An exclusive  fashion show will be held as a special  event.

Footwear  & Leather  products  made  in Sri Lanka  are supplied  to well known  international  brands,  such as Marks  & Spencer,  Bata France,  Play  Boy,  Laurel  and Clarks. There are around  30 manufacturing plants  in Sri Lanka  catering  to the export market. The value of exports of footwear & leather products was US$  51 Million in 2013.

The SLEDB will extend 03 nights hotel accommodation on bread &  breakfast basis at a star class hotel in Colombo for the visiting Foreign buyers whose participation recommended by Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa. Therefore the interested parties may contact Sri Lanka High Commission at 613 233 8449 for further information.

An industry  brief  is attached.

An Industry e-flyer is attached.

Sri Lanka High Commission/Ottawa

09 October 2014



President Rajapaksa calls for the de-politicisation of the UN system


Charging that human rights are being used as a tool to implement motivated agendas with no understanding or appreciation of the complexity of issues in the countries concerned, President Mahinda Rajapaksa has made an appeal for the de-politicisation of the UN system. Read More President Rajapaksa made this call when he addressed the 69th United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday 24th September 2014, this is the seventh occasion that the President has addressed the General Assembly.Speaking on the theme Delivering on and Implementing a Transformative Post -2015 Development Agenda, the President noted that while much progress had been achieved towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, multiple challenges remained to be addressed. The President highlighted that countries should focus on eradication of extreme poverty and commit to sustainable development, as they focused on the new post 2015 development agenda.

President Rajapaksa also highlighted the important role the United Nations has played to improve standards of living, eradicate disease, educate children and in peacekeeping; but for the UN to gain the confidence of the world community, it must apply consistent standards, without selectivity or discrimination. He drew attention to the manner in which post-conflict Sri Lanka had become an unfortunate victim of ill-conceived agendas of some, disregarding significant achievements in the past 5 years. The President, drew inspiration from the words of the Buddha who said that the purpose of all human endeavour must be to construct order out of chaos and harmony out of strife and stated that the Government remained committed to its objective of pursuing the processes of reconciliation, and nation building, undeterred by ill-motivated criticism.

The full statement of the President follows below:-
Ministry of External Affairs Colombo
26th September 2014



Dangers posed by climate change must be addressed collectively – President Rajapaksa


Read more: Dangers posed by climate change must be addressed collectively – President Rajapaksa


Colombo Port City Project Launched


The Colombo Port City Project was launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Mahinda Rajapaksa at a grand ceremony this morning (17) . The launch of the Project is expected to change the skyline of our city. This will be the largest single foreign direct investment of around US$ 1.5 billion for the land development that has potential to attract around US$ 5 billion from all over the world.

Read more: Colombo Port City Project Launched


Sri Lanka GDP grows 7.8% in Q2 2014

Sri Lanka's GDP growth (Economic growth) for the Q2 2014 has recorded a 7.8 percent compared to same quarter of 2013, stated the Department of Census & Statistics in its quarterly GDP report released on Monday.

Read more: Sri Lanka GDP grows 7.8% in Q2 2014


Sri Lanka and China agree to deepen their Strategic Cooperative Partnership



Sri Lanka and China have agreed to deepen their Strategic Cooperative Partnership, following official talks between the President of the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Xi Jinping and President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the Presidential Secretariat in Colombo today (16th September 2014).

Read more: Sri Lanka and China agree to deepen their Strategic Cooperative Partnership


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