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State Visit to Sri Lanka

On the invitation of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, His Holiness Pope Francis will pay a State Visit to Sri Lanka from 13th to 15th January 2015. The Government and people of Sri Lanka are looking forward to warmly welcoming His Holiness and his delegation. 

All arrangements for the visit are in place and the required constructions are progressing on schedule including the altar at Galle Face Green where the Special Mass and the canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz, which will take place on Wednesday 14thJanuary. 

Read more: State Visit to Sri Lanka


Media Statement ....

Sri Lanka has a vibrant tradition of democratic practice since 1931 and has been conducting elections at regular intervals, in a peaceful and orderly manner, while the electorate has continued to cast their vote freely, in large numbers. 

Domestic elections are not for foreign government representatives to be prescriptive about, that too, a few days ahead of the polls. It is therefore surprising that the EU Heads of Mission in Colombo should have resorted to a press statement on an issue of a strictly domestic nature. Such an initiative could bring into question the bona-fides and objectivity of their intervention. 

The Elections Commissioner, who is an independent authority, has been mandated by the statutory powers vested in him, with the task of conducting free and fair elections. 


Ministry of External Affairs


2nd January 2015


UN to avoid holding meetings on the Day of Vesak

On the instructions of His Excellency President Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York successfully negotiated a Resolution which was adopted by consensus on 29th December 2014, whereby the United Nations General Assembly acknowledged the significance of the Day of Vesak observed in many member countries. It invited the United Nations bodies at Headquarters and other duty stations where observed, to avoid holding meetings on that Day. To this end, the Resolution also encourages this arrangement to be taken into account when formulating future calendars of conferences and meetings. 

Read more: UN to avoid holding meetings on the Day of Vesak


Statement on US-Cuba rapprochement

Sri Lanka welcomes the announcements made by the leaders of the United States of America and Cuba, of a rapprochement between the two countries, thereby ending decades’ long estrangement and paving the way for the renewal of diplomatic ties. The release and exchange of prisoners is a concrete step towards a new era of US-Cuba relations which marks a turning point in the history of the two nations.

Read more: Statement on US-Cuba rapprochement


Message from HE the President for the National Safety Day

I am pleased to send this message on this National Safety Day commemoration. 

Our country had to suffer much due to natural disasters in recent years. In every such incident the government's ability to minimize the disruption of people's lives is a great achievement. 

As a political leader who witnessed the tsunami tragedy and from that instance was engaged in rehabilitation efforts, I am aware of the magnitude of the tsunami disaster and the complexity of the restoration efforts. Our aim was to restore all, other than human lives sadly lost in the tragedy. Therefore, the ability to build new houses for the affected people and resettling them, restoring infrastructure and livelihoods as well as enhancing the welfare, economy and the living standards of children, women and youth is a significant achievement reached by us during the past ten years. 

Read more: Message from HE the President for the National Safety Day





Thirty Sri Lankan fishermen released from Tamil Nadu to reunite with families for Christmas

Thirty(30) Sri Lankan fishermen released by the Tamil Nadu State authorities were repatriated to Sri Lanka today(23 December) enabling  reunion with their families in time to celebrate Christmas. The Sri Lanka fishermen boarded SLNS Ranagaja at the International Maritime Boundary Line(IMBL) and arrive at the Kankasanturai harbour this evening.

Read more: Thirty Sri Lankan fishermen released from Tamil Nadu to reunite with families for Christmas


Trade Information from the Members of the National Chamber – December 2014

We are pleased to provide herewith trade information with regard to export, import and joint venture from the members of the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka.

Click here for the details....

The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka
450, D.R. Wijewardana Mawatha,
Colombo 10,
Sri Lanka

+94 11 4741788 (Office)
+94 11 2689596 (Fax)
Email : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Sri Lanka’s proposal to establish a “World Youth Skills Day” adopted by the UN

Yesterday, the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus, a resolution, spearheaded by Sri Lanka, declaring 15th July as the World Youth Skills Day. Sri Lanka initiated this resolution, with the assistance of the G77 & China, to highlight at a global level, the importance of youth skills development. The goal is to achieve better socio-economic conditions for today’s youth, including as a means of addressing the challenges of unemployment and under employment. This is the only resolution promoted by Sri Lanka at the UN in New York since 1999. 

Read more: Sri Lanka’s proposal to establish a “World Youth Skills Day” adopted by the UN


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