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Visit of Prime Minister Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe to India

On the invitation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe will undertake an Official visit to India from 14th to 16th September 2015.

Read more: Visit of Prime Minister Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe to India


Statement by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka, at the 30th Session of the UNHRC - Geneva


Statement by

 Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, MP

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka

General Debate of the 30th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Geneva, 14 September 2015

Mr. President

High Commissioner for Human Rights


Distinguished delegates 

I would like to begin by thanking you, and the members of the Council for the trust reposed in Sri Lanka at the 28th Session and agreeing to defer the release of the Report of the OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka.

Read more: Statement by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka, at the 30th Session of the UNHRC - Geneva


New Sri Lankan Envoy Presents Credentials in Canada


Ahmed A. Jawad presented his Credentials as Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to Governor General David Johnston of Canada at a ceremony held at the Rideau Hall in Ottawa on 10th September. 

At an audience that followed the presentation, the new High Commissioner among other matters, briefed the Governor General on recent developments in Sri Lanka, including the Presidential and General Elections, and the emergence of a consensus based political culture in the country characterized by an all-inclusive approach. This he said included an engagement with the large Sri Lankan diaspora around the world comprising all communities. 

Read more: New Sri Lankan Envoy Presents Credentials in Canada


Dep. Foreign Minister Dr. Harsha to focus on Economic Diplomacy


Hon. Dr. Harsha de Silva assumed duties as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, today, Friday 11th September 2015.

The Deputy Minister was received at the Ministry by the Secretary of the Ministry and other senior officials. A religious ceremony was held at the Ministry prior to his assuming duties.

Read more: Dep. Foreign Minister Dr. Harsha to focus on Economic Diplomacy


Statement of the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on the Death of 45 UAE Soldiers in Yemen

It is with profound grief and sorrow that we learnt about the death of forty - five soldiers from Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates in Yemen while contributing to restore security and stability of the country.

It was indeed unfortunate that this news reached us soon after the visit of H. H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of United Arab Emirates to Sri Lanka. 

The Government and the people of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka express their heartfelt condolences to the Government and the people of the United Arab Emirates on this tragic incident. 

The Government of Sri Lanka hopes that peace and normalcy will be restored in the region as soon as possible. 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


9th September 2015



Applications are hereby invited by the Secretary, Ministry of Defence from foreign manufacturers and authorized agents of manufacturers, who wish to register themselves with the Ministry of Defence for the supply of goods for the year 2016.

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Audio of Address of H.E. the President at First Session of the Eighth Parliament: 1st September 2015


The Audio of the Presentation of the Statement of Government Policy by H.E. the President of Sri Lanka made this afternoon at the ceremonial sitting of the first session of the Eighth Parliament has been recorded from the live stream and uploaded to the Ministry SoundCloud website. It can be accessed at the following link:-


Remarks by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Diplomatic Corps based in Colombo, 28 August 2015

Your Excellencies,

It is my pleasure, this evening, to welcome all of you today to the Republic building, having been sworn in early this week as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. At the moment Sri Lanka has the dubious honour of having the smallest Cabinet in the world, having had the largest in the world last year.  At the moment we have a Cabinet of five, but the Government will be in place by Wednesday.

Read more: Remarks by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Diplomatic Corps based in Colombo, 28 August 2015


Remarks to the media by Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera and US Asst. Secretaries of State Nisha Biswal and Tom Malinowski



Remarks to the media by

Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Foreign Affairs

following call by Ms. Nisha Biswal, Assistant Secretary of State

for South and Central Asia of the US State Department 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombo: 25 August 2015

Good Morning Ladies &  Gentlemen.

I have just concluded discussions with Ms. Nisha Biswal, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia and Mr. Tom Malinowski, Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labour of the US State Department. I also welcomed Ambassador Atul Keshap who just assumed duties as the United States’ Ambassador to Sri Lanka.

Read more: Remarks to the media by Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera and US Asst. Secretaries of State Nisha Biswal and Tom Malinowski


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