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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

Sri Lanka pledges to support the implementation of the Lumbini Master Plan


President Maithripala Sirisena concluded a two- day bilateral visit to Nepal on Sunday (02 September 2018), announcing Sri Lanka’s readiness to support the implementation of the Lumbini Master Plan, which would ensure the conservation of the historic site and enhance the facilities for pilgrims. The President was in Nepal to attend the 4th BIMSTEC Summit held on 30-31 August 2018.

He made this announcement during bilateral talks with Nepali President Bidhya Devi Bhandari, which was followed by an official banquet in honour of President Sirisena at Shital Nivas on Saturday, 01 September. Earlier in the day, the President and the delegation visited the sacred site in Lumbini, which is the birthplace of Prince Siddhartha Gautama. Over 50,000 Sri Lankans pay homage in Lumbini annually.

At their meeting, the two leaders reviewed with satisfaction the bilateral exchanges that have taken place over the past few years. The Nepali President expressed appreciation to Sri Lanka for being a true friend and assisting in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake that devastated the country, particularly in the reconstruction efforts at the Anand Kutir Temple and the Rato Machindranath Temple in Kathmandu. The leaders also discussed the possibility of marketing a ‘Buddhist Circuit’ as an initiative to boost tourism between the countries, and from outside the region.

President Sirisena congratulated the Government of Nepal on the successful conclusion of the 4th BIMSTEC Summit and as the BIMSTEC’s new Chair, sought the cooperation of Nepal in operationalising the ambitious Kathmandu Declaration.

During his meeting with the Prime Minister of Nepal K.P. Sharma Oli, the President emphasized the importance of strengthening economic relations between the two countries, and the Nepali Prime Minister said that the Sri Lanka-Nepal Joint Commission will be held early to carry forward the ideas discussed.

On Friday, 31 August, President Sirisena also inaugurated a ‘Trade, Tourism and Investment Dialogue’ organised by the Institute for Strategic and Socio-Economic Research of Nepal. Addressing the gathering, State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake requested that Sri Lankan companies in construction, education, IT, healthcare, apparel and hospitality be facilitated to invest in Nepal.

During the visit, two Memoranda of Understanding were exchanged between the two governments, the first between the Institute of Foreign Affairs of Nepal and the Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute of Sri Lanka, and the second on Cooperation for Youth Development.

President Maithripala Sirisena also visited the Secretariat of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) headquartered in Kathmandu. He was received by the Secretary General of SAARC Amjad Hussain B. Sial and the Directors of SAARC. To mark his first visit to the SAARC Secretariat, the President planted a tree sapling in the premises. Addressing the officials at the SAARC Secretariat, President Sirisena said that Sri Lanka strongly supports the SAARC process as one of its founding members, and that his visit was intended to encourage the Secretary General and staff of the Secretariat for the important work they were doing.

He also visited the Anand Kutir Vihara and received a briefing on the progress of re-construction of the Vihara and also of the Rato Machindranath Temple. The President and his delegation also visited the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu and received blessings.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs



3 September 2018

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BIMSTEC Leaders decide to rationalize the Organization as Sri Lanka assumes Chairmanship


Sri Lanka was handed over the Chairmanship of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), at the conclusion of the 4th  BIMSTEC Summit held in Kathmandu, on 31 August 2018 .

Accepting the Chairmanship of BIMSTEC from the Prime Minister of Nepal K.P. Sharma Oli, President Maithripala Sirisena, thanked all Member States for the trust and confidence placed in Sri Lanka, and said that Sri Lanka looks forward to implementing the ambitious agenda set forth by the Kathmandu Summit. Congratulating the new Chairman, all BIMSTEC leaders expressed confidence that the Organization will move forward with strength under the leadership of President Sirisena. Accordingly, the 5th BIMSTEC Summit will be held in Sri Lanka.

Earlier on 31 August, adopting the Kathmandu Summit Declaration, ‘Towards a Peaceful, Prosperous and Sustainable Bay of Bengal Region’, the Presidents of Sri Lanka and Myanmar, the Prime Ministers of India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Thailand, and the Chief Advisor of the Government of Bhutan agreed to review, restructure and rationalize the existing areas of cooperation of BIMSTEC and to streamline the operational modalities for activities, programmes and projects to achieve tangible results. The Declaration also welcomed Sri Lanka as the new Chair of BIMSTEC.

The Summit also laid the foundation for institutional mechanisms to accelerate the BIMSTEC process. The leaders agreed to establish a BIMSTEC Permanent Working Committee (BPWC), to draft a Charter for the organization, to develop Rules of Procedures for BIMSTEC Mechanisms and Centres and to explore the possibility of establishing a BIMSTEC Development Fund.

The Memorandum of Understanding on BIMSTEC Grid Interconnection was signed by State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake on behalf of Sri Lanka, alongside Foreign Ministers and State Ministers of BIMSTEC countries at a signing ceremony witnessed by the leaders.

The Summit Declaration also expressed appreciation to Ambassador Sumith Nakandala of Sri Lanka, the first Secretary-General of BIMSTEC for his valuable contribution in advancing the work of the organization during his tenure.

The Sri Lanka Delegation to the 4th BIMSTEC Summit included State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Nepal Swarna Perera, the Foreign Ministry’s Acting Additional Secretary/Economic Affairs and Trade Ravinatha Aryasinha, and Director General Economic Affairs Saroja Sirisena.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs



02 September 2018

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Strengthening Sri Lanka - Japan relations with the visit of the State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Kazuyuki Nakane

State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Kazuyuki Nakane visited Sri Lanka from 28 -30 August 2018. State Minister Nakane participated in the commissioning ceremony of the two coast guard patrol vessels donated by Japan to Sri Lanka at the Port of Colombo on 29 August.

During the visit, State Minister Nakane called on Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Lakshman Kiriella, and also met with Minister of Plantation Industries Navin Dissanayke and the Secretary to the President Udaya R. Seneviratne.

The two coast guard patrol vessels, "SLCGS Samudra  Raksha"  and "SLCGS Samaraksha" were donated to Sri Lanka by Japan as part of the Grant Agreement signed between Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Government of Sri Lanka, based on the joint declaration on the comprehensive partnership between the two countries.  These patrol vessels will add to the capacity of the Sri Lanka Coast Guard in its activities related to maritime safety, maritime law enforcement, Search and Rescue (SAR), mitigation of disaster risks, and environment protection.

The State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan briefed the Prime Minister and the Acting Foreign Minister on the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Partnerships Initiative of the G-7, where each G-7 Member State selects a partner country to provide targeted assistance to advance the Women, Peace and Security Agenda through enhanced G-7 coordination, in accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions.  Japan has selected Sri Lanka as its partner country under this initiative to support Sri Lanka's WPS Agenda. The initiative is based on the recognition that gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls and respect for their human rights are vital to achieving and sustaining peace. Sri Lanka's appreciation for Japan's assistance under this programme was conveyed to State Minister Nakane.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs


 30 August 2018

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Statement by Hon Vasantha Senanayake, MP, State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka at the 16th BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting, 29 August 2018, Kathmandu

Your Excellency, Pradeep Kumar Gyawali, Foreign Minister of Nepal & Chair of the BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting


Distinguished Delegates,

At the outset, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the Foreign Minister and the Government of Nepal for the warm welcome and gracious hospitality extended to me and my delegation since our arrival in the Himalayan city of Kathmandu.  I also wish to congratulate our host nation on the excellent arrangements made to ensure that this Ministerial Meeting and Summit is a resounding success.

Permit me, to felicitate you Mr Chairman for efficiently guiding BIMSTEC since assuming the Chair.  I am confident, that under your able guidance we will have a fruitful meeting. I also wish to appreciate the work of the Senior Officials for drafting an ambitious declaration, which Sri Lanka, as the next Chair looks forward to operationalise.

I am pleased to acknowledge that BIMSTEC has made significant strides in increasing cooperation among nations in the Bay of Bengal region. The key characteristic of our Organization has been the existing together of the ‘Look West’ policy of the ASEAN nations and the ‘Look East’ policy of their South Asian counterparts, thereby bridging two of the most dynamic regions in the world.  I see a considerable number of complementarities in our economies and numerous opportunities for cooperation.

Read more: Statement by Hon Vasantha Senanayake, MP, State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka at the 16th BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting, 29 August 2018, Kathmandu


President Maithripala Sirisena leads Sri Lanka delegation to the 4th BIMSTEC Summit; Sri Lanka to receive BIMSTEC Chairmanship

President Maithripala Sirisena will lead the Sri Lanka Delegation to the 4th Summit of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), which will be held from 30-31 August 2018 in Kathmandu.  At the conclusion of the Summit, the Chairmanship of BIMSTEC will be handed over to Sri Lanka by the current Chair, Nepal.

The Summit, which also includes a retreat of the participating Heads of State and Government will be preceded by the Sixteenth BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting and the Nineteenth Session of the BIMSTEC Senior Officials’ Meeting.

The Presidents of Sri Lanka and Myanmar, the Prime Ministers of India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Thailand, and the Chief Advisor of the Government of Bhutan will be leading their respective delegations to the Summit. The leaders are to adopt the 4th BIMSTEC Summit Declaration: "Towards a Peaceful, Prosperous and Sustainable Bay of Bengal Region" on 31 August at the conclusion of the Summit.

The leaders will also witness the signing of the " Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the BIMSTEC Grid Inter-Connection" at the Summit.

During the preceding meetings, several initiatives under agreed priority sectors will be reviewed with a view to enhancing inclusive growth and economic prosperity in the BIMSTEC region.   The priority sectors of cooperation in BIMSTEC include, Trade and Investment, Technology, Energy, Transportation & Communication, Tourism, Fisheries, Agriculture, Cultural Cooperation, Environment & Disaster Management, Public Health, People to People Contact, Poverty Alleviation, Counter-Terrorism & Transnational Crimes, and Climate Change.

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), launched in 1997, bridges countries of South and South East Asia in the Bay of Bengal region. The Bay of Bengal region is home to 21 %  of the global population with an average GDP growth of 6.5%.

Sri Lanka is the lead country for the Technology sector, where the establishment of a BIMSTEC Technology Transfer Facility (TTF) in Sri Lanka is under consideration. This Facility seeks to expand the technology base of Member States through collaboration and partnerships targeted towards micro, small and medium scale enterprises.

The 3rd BIMSTEC Summit was held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar in 2014, and a BIMSTEC leaders' retreat and the BRICS & BIMSTEC outreach Summit was held in Goa, India in 2016.

State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake, and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Kathmandu will also participate in Summit related meetings.

During his stay in Nepal, President Maithripala Sirisena will be meeting his Nepali counterpart President Bidhya Devi Bhandari and the Prime Minister of Nepal Khadga Prasad Oli on 01 September. The President will also attend a Banquet hosted by the President of Nepal in his honour.

President Sirisena will be visiting Lumbini on 01 September, and on 02 September, he is scheduled to visit the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu and attend a tree planting ceremony there.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs


 28 August 2018

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Canada-Sri Lanka Friendship Cricket Cup Launched in Toronto


As part of Sri Lanka’s 70th Anniversary of Independence celebrations, the Canada-Sri Lanka Friendship Cricket Cup (CSLFCC), jointly organized by the Sri Lanka Consulate General in Toronto and the Ontario Cricket Development Organization (OCDO), was launched on 11 August 2018 at the Courtney Park Sports Complex in Mississauga. The annual event is intended to bring together cricket loving communities from Sri Lanka and other countries. The agreement to hold this annual event was arrived at a meeting attended by Mayor of Mississauga, Bonnie Crombie, Consul General of Sri Lanka in Toronto, U. L. Mohammed Jauhar, and Messrs. Derek Perera and Ranil Mendis, held on 01 May 2018 at the Mississauga Civic Centre.

Welcoming the initiative of the Consulate General and the OCDO, the Mississauga Mayor said: "Our residents love cricket! Mississauga proudly operates seven cricket pitches across the City, and the popularity of this sport only continues to grow amongst our residents. We are pleased to support the Consulate General of Sri Lanka and Ontario Cricket Development Organization as they showcase cricket in Mississauga through the celebration of Sri Lanka's 70th Anniversary of Independence"

Read more: Canada-Sri Lanka Friendship Cricket Cup Launched in Toronto


Minister Kiriella attends former Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee's funeral


Minister Lakshman Kiriella represented the Government of Sri Lanka as Special Envoy at the State funeral of former Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in New Delhi on Friday(17).

During this visit to New Delhi Minister Kiriella had a meeting with the Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj.


High Commission of Sri Lanka

New Delhi

17 August 2018


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