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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa


Mr. Speaker,

I rise today to inform this House of our efforts in the international sphere on behalf of Sri Lanka. While we, as a government, are combatting the current pandemic and dealing with the consequences of economic contraction due to its worst effects, I would like, with your permission, to highlight another aspect of our approach to governance and national wellbeing. At a policy level, we must stress our President's commitment to full, candid and open engagement with fellow nation states. Our vistas of prosperity and well-being cannot be achieved in isolation. We all share a common future and owe it to succeeding generations to do the best we can to secure and guarantee that brighter future.

In this vein, Mr Speaker, I would refer the attention of this House to recent international engagements with our international partners and friends. While we maintain a dialogue with diplomatic representatives in Sri Lanka and with bilateral partner-countries accredited to Sri Lanka, we also seek to engage at an international level - across geographical and other boundaries. We seek, Mr Speaker, to address the widest possible audience at every given opportunity. This is not only to counter or avoid critical comment, but also, to make our voice heard on the global stage.  We do this with bilateral partners, organizations, regional groupings and especially at multilateral fora. We are also imbued with a sense of openness, a willingness to absorb and learn from others’ perceptions and real-life experience in dealing with the myriad challenges we face - individually and collectively.

Mr. Speaker, we are a relatively small, Island state. However, we are also a nation with a proud history and complex background. We have much to learn from the world but, at the same time, much to share. Our multifaceted diversity is not a social experiment but one that we live with on a day-to-day basis. It causes tensions - from time to time - but we continue to coexist with a sense of fraternity and goodwill. We emphasized that during the three recent high level engagements in Italy, Geneva and New York by His Excellency the President, the Hon Prime Minister and myself. These events provided critical platforms for Sri Lanka to express solidarity with the international community on important global issues of common concern to all countries and also to project Sri Lanka’s own perceptions in this regard. These recent exchanges enabled us to interact with leaders and policy-makers at the highest levels internationally.

These engagements provided an important opportunity to address different aspects of what the United Nations Secretary General called the “greatest cascade of crises of our times”, after a long gap in physical connection due to the pandemic.

His Excellency President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa in his statement at the 76th UN General Assembly in New York, stated that Sri Lanka is fully engaged with international partners in order to combat the pandemic and the consequent economic fallout as well as existential crises resulting from climate change. Our engagement is aimed at safeguarding our people from the worst effects of these global challenges.

Equally importantly for Sri Lanka, these visits provided us with the opportunity to address the international community at bilateral and multilateral levels regarding recent domestic developments and difficulties we have faced in Sri Lanka on critical national issues related to human rights and reconciliation and to correct any inaccurate or biased perceptions.

I concluded my statement to the Human Rights Council in Geneva by stating that:

"We are open in acknowledging our challenges and, as a responsible and democratic government, we are committed to achieving tangible progress on the entire range of issues relating to accountability, reconciliation, human rights, peace and sustainable development."

We have taken the position that we do recognise the need to address these challenges and, in that effort, we need to be open and responsive to constructive criticism and international overtures made in good faith. That being said, Mr Speaker, we do not need to compromise our independence, national sovereignty nor our self-respect as a nation.

I myself had the opportunity to personally discuss with Foreign Ministers of a number of key countries, as well as address gatherings which are of direct relevance in Sri Lanka such as the Commonwealth, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Community of Democracies and the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Our continued and vigorous efforts to place on record our experience, perceptions and position demonstrates this approach of openness, candour and willingness to engage. We reaffirmed our commitment to democratic norms, ideals and commonly shared values from the standpoint of a nation consistently adhering to this system for nine decades; as one of the oldest representative democracies in Asia.

Of critical importance, Mr Speaker, is to make these efforts in the expectation that real and tangible benefits will accrue to our people. The main focus at this year’s UN General Assembly was on matters that affect all countries of the world big and small, such as the pandemic, climate change, the global food situation, the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals and the need for transition to clean energy. It is very clear that these interconnected issues which are global in nature, affect the daily lives of all Sri Lankans.

Sri Lanka needs to participate in this dialogue with the international community in resolving these fundamental issues. What is also clear is that we need to reach out to a very broad range of stakeholders domestically and internationally such as scientists, economists, the private sector, leaders in technology, youth as well as primary producers of food. This represents a cross-section of the local and global community, at various levels and across diverse fields of endeavour. As His Excellency the President stated, "The economic impact of the pandemic has been especially severe on developing countries. This has placed the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals at considerable risk."

This, Mr Speaker, is the great challenge that faces us collectively. It is no empty nor idle boast to state that Sri Lanka has taken leadership in critical spheres and is at the helm of some key aspects of environmental activism. As a country vulnerable to extremes of climatic change, our forthcoming engagement at the COP26 in the United Kingdom will only underline our commitment to our common, interdependent future.

Regarding climate change, for instance, we owe it to ourselves, to the young and to the future generations of our people, to reverse the shortcomings of the past and to repair and rebuild a healthy planet. In this effort, we have joined hands in solidarity with the rest of the world and our President announced our position at the UN General Assembly as well as at the High-Level Dialogue on Energy.

His Excellency the President stated that for these many reasons Sri Lanka’s engagement this year with the international community and the United Nations was timely and essential.

He stated that Sri Lanka has contributed to these global efforts through the Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management and our recognition as a Commonwealth Blue Charter Champion. We have pledged to join global efforts to become a carbon neutral country by 2050 and to obtain 70% of our energy resources from renewable sources by 2030. Our domestic efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, increase forest cover and to combat water and plastic pollution were generally welcomed.

Our presence internationally and at the General Assembly was vital, because in order to reach these ambitious targets, in the years to come, we need to have significant access to technology, financial cooperation and assistance. We will reiterate these messages at COP 26 later this year.

Mr Speaker, the other great challenge we need to overcome is that of social cohesion and unity. In the absence of a truly integrated nation devoid of internecine strife, bitterness and rancour, we need to build bridges rather than walls. We need to reach out to all segments of society and repay the trust and confidence placed in the government at successive elections in 2019 and 2020. In my statement to the UN Human Rights Council in September I referred to our initiatives to reinvigorate and resuscitate national efforts to promote reconciliation - sorely needed after a protracted conflict. As President Rajapaksa said in New York:

"Fostering greater accountability, restorative justice, and meaningful reconciliation through domestic institutions is essential to achieve lasting peace."

I adverted to the several national institutions that we support in this effort to sustain and build upon the hard-won peace of 2009. In particular, Mr Speaker, I stressed the importance of The Office on Missing Persons (OMP) which, as its core function, is finalizing the list of missing persons in collaboration with other agencies with a view to granting and enabling closure for a number of grieving families. In tandem, the Office for Reparations (OR) has processed 3775 claims this year alone. We have supported the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation (ONUR) in its effort to reenergize the implementation of its 8 point action plan. We have continued to support the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka in carrying out its mandate to protect and promote human rights in Sri Lanka. We pointed out that a national steering committee on SDG 16 is working towards enhancing peace, justice and strong institutions.  Over and above this, His Excellency was pleased to empower a Commission to take stock of the various efforts aimed at reconciliation and accountability over the past several years and arrive at a conclusion and recommendations, which, we expect, will drive these processes going forward. We are doing all this with sincerity and seriousness of purpose to enable a brighter, more prosperous and peaceful Sri Lanka for succeeding generations of sons and daughters of our soil.

Our Prime Minister, the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa, in his address to the G20 Inter-Faith Dialogue recently concluded in Bologna, Italy, stressed the importance of transcending barriers based on religion and other socio-cultural differences. The Prime Minister’s participation at the Interfaith Forum in Bologna further highlighted the important role of education and youth in fostering domestic peace and harmony.  This Inter-faith forum was an appropriate moment to reflect on the diversity in our region, exemplified in Sri Lanka, and to reemphasize that this diversity is the bedrock of our strength as a nation. He stated that “rising above these differences, we have responded to the challenge of building a sense of mature nationhood, utilizing all the different communities”.

Our message, through you, Mr Speaker, to the nation and the world is that we seek to celebrate our diversity while forging a sense of oneness - a Sri Lankan consciousness and identity - that will be a source of strength rather than weakness as we address the several local and global challenges.

As the Prime Minister said in his address in Bologna: "Reconciliation is a critical need of our time. Conflicts and escalating tensions are all too evident around us. Peace and stability come from healthy relationships with all who live in our countries, including those with whom we have deep disagreements. Here, again, our religion teaches us that hatred is not conquered by hatred but by love alone. Rather than dwell on grievances derived from the past, we must focus on the present, the need for harmony with points of view different from our own, and the inspiring new frontier which awaits us all if we forge the urgently needed links of brotherhood and understanding."

I wish, in passing, to stress the role of civil society in these efforts. Representatives of civil society are an integral part of the solutions we wish to devise. They are, Mr Speaker, not a manifestation of the problem but an essential component of the resolution of our problems. There have been concerns raised about the supposed government initiatives to stifle NGO activities in Sri Lanka. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are actively engaged with the community and are seeking to harness their capabilities and undoubted capacity in support of reconciliation and with regard to SDG16 processes. I stated this quite clearly in my address to the Human Rights Council in Geneva and I want to assure this House that we consider them a valuable and a valued partner in our efforts for the betterment of our people.

One of the principal challenges to this unified sense of purpose, Mr Speaker, is extremism and its progeny, terrorism. We as a representative government, are taking all measures in close collaboration with international partners to ensure human security in its widest sense. There are several considerations of collective national and international security that must be taken into account in this context. The guaranteeing of individual freedoms and liberties is not antithetical to the concept of national security. Indeed, it is a stable and secure international and domestic order that enables the enjoyment of individual rights.  Like the many-headed Hydra of classic myth and legend, extremism and terrorism crop up elsewhere when one movement is defeated in one country or region. We have seen this in numerous instances. In an interconnected world, such movements and extremist ideologies make nonsense of previously impenetrable national boundaries. Our response, Mr Speaker, must be equally dynamic, adaptive and resilient. During my exchanges with ministerial colleagues from friendly countries in New York and elsewhere, we have placed a sharp focus on close cooperation, intelligence gathering and sharing and collective action to address issues of funding and interdiction of these criminal networks.

As President Rajapaksa stressed in his address to the UNGA:

"Terrorism is a global challenge that requires international cooperation, especially on matters such as intelligence sharing, if it is to be overcome. Violence robbed Sri Lanka of thousands of lives and decades of prosperity in the past half century.

My Government is committed to ensuring that such violence never takes place in Sri Lanka again.

We are therefore acting to address the core issues behind it."

In conclusion, Mr Speaker, I wish to reassure the people of Sri Lanka that we will not rest in our efforts to garner the best outcomes for the nation through continued, proactive engagement with the international community. I will endeavour, in the coming months, to regularly inform the Hon Members of the House and the nation at large of our endeavours in this regard.

I thank you, Mr Speaker.




Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris welcomed the constructive, cordial and regular engagement between Sri Lanka and the European Union (EU) in a meeting with a five-member delegation from the EU on Friday 1 October 2021 at the Foreign Ministry.  The EU mission to Sri Lanka was led by Senior Advisor, Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission Nikolaos Zaimis, and Head of Division for South Asia of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Ioannis Giogkarakis-Argyropoulos.  The meeting entailed discussion on EU - Sri Lanka cooperation and Sri Lanka’s engagement with the EU on matters of relevance.

In the discussion, Foreign Minster Peiris apprised the EU delegation, inter alia, on progress in reconciliation, review of Prevention of Terrorism Act, engagement with civil society, SDG 16 initiative, and Sri Lanka’s cooperation in the Human Rights Council.

The Foreign Minister observed that Sri Lanka's relations with the EU are wide ranging and mutually beneficial, including in the spheres of economic and development cooperation.  The EU being Sri Lanka’s second largest export destination (in 2020), the Foreign Minister highlighted the positive contribution of EU GSP plus benefits in upgrading the livelihoods of communities in the country.

In discussions with the Minister, the EU delegation welcomed the multifaceted engagement between Sri Lanka and the EU, and reassured of continued cooperation.

During the visit, the EU delegation participated in meetings related to the EU – Sri Lanka Joint Commission process and the EU GSP plus Third Cycle of Review process (2020/2021).  The meetings were attended by a broad range of stakeholders from Government comprising over 30 line agencies.

The delegation comprised senior officials from the European Commission and the EEAS, and the visit was part of Sri Lanka's ongoing and regular engagement with the EU.  The mission also met other senior interlocutors in Government during the visit.  The Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to Colombo Denis Chaibi, Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage and senior officials of the Foreign Ministry participated in the meeting.

Foreign Ministry


01 October 2021




Indian Foreign Secretary Shri Harsh Vardhan Shringla will undertake an official visit to Sri Lanka from 2-5 October 2021 at the invitation of the Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage.

The visit will contribute towards consolidating the longstanding multifaceted relations and enhance bilateral partnerships between two countries. Apart from the bilateral discussion with the Sri Lankan Foreign Secretary, the Foreign Secretary Shringla’s programme includes a call on the President, Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and the Foreign Minister.

Visiting Foreign Secretary is also expected to visit Kandy, Trincomalee and Jaffna during his stay in Sri Lanka.

This will be his first visit to Sri Lanka since assumption of office as the Foreign Secretary of India.

Foreign Ministry

01 October 2021




Foreign Minister G.L.Peiris has sought greater access in the burgeoning Brazilian market for Sri Lankan export products. The Minister made this request during a meeting with the Ambassador of Brazil to Sri Lanka Sergio Luiz Canaes at the Foreign Ministry on 29 September 2021. Foreign Minister Peiris, welcoming Ambassador Canaes conveyed Sri Lanka’s strong commitment to forge closer relations with Brazil in diverse areas of bilateral interest.

At the meeting, both Minister Peiris and Ambassador Canaes agreed to work towards reaching common ground on several major global issues of mutual interest, including climate change, renewable energy, reforms of multilateral institutions and South-South cooperation. The Foreign Minister conveyed his interest to reinvigorate stronger ties with Brazil and the entire South and Central American region in the backdrop of Sri Lanka’s longstanding Non-Aligned tradition.

Underlining the unexplored trade potential that exists between the two countries, Minister Peiris outlined the market opportunities available in Brazil for authentic Sri Lankan products, such as tea, spices and precious and semi-precious gemstones. He also invited Ambassador Canaes to actively promote Sri Lanka as a tourist destination among Brazilian travellers.

Foreign Ministry


01 October 2021




Ambassador of the State of Palestinian in Sri Lanka, Dr. Zuhair M.H. Dar Zaid, paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Professor G.L Peiris on 28th September at the Foreign Ministry.

During the meeting, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine extended warm wishes from the President, Government and people of the State of Palestine, reiterated the State of Palestine's continued support for Sri Lanka and stated his intention to strengthen the existing friendly relations.

Minister Peiris elaborated that former President and current Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa had founded the Sri Lanka Palestinian Friendship society, as a young Member of Parliament, and had served as its Chairman for the past 25 years. The Minister also highlighted that Sri Lanka had continuously supported the Palestinian cause and in recognition a road had been named after former President Rajapaksa in Ramallah.

The Foreign Minister appreciated the support Palestine extended to Sri Lanka in the multilateral arena, including at the Human Rights Council, where they had opposed countries being singled out for political purposes and urged that countries be allowed to solve their national issues.

The Minister assured Sri Lanka's continued support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and their right to an independent, sovereign state based on the relevant UN resolutions. Both reiterated their strong commitment to having greater cooperation for mutual benefits.

Foreign Ministry


30 September, 2021




The High Commissioner of New Zealand to Sri Lanka Michael Appleton paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris at the Foreign Ministry on 29 September 2021.

High Commissioner Appleton congratulated Prof. Peiris for his appointment as the Foreign Minister and expressed commitment to work closely with him in the future to enhance the partnership between the two countries to further heights. He mentioned that New Zealand has partnered with Sri Lanka in several fields, especially in the dairy and agricultural sectors, and it is high time now for both countries to identify new areas of cooperation in a spirit of friendship.

Prof. Peiris, while recalling the mutually beneficial partnership between Sri Lanka and New Zealand expressed his confidence that the opening up of the resident New Zealand High Commission in Colombo would immensely contribute to the further advancement of bilateral engagements between the two countries.

Noting Sri Lanka as one of the oldest countries that enjoy the universal adult franchise, Prof. Peiris explained the ongoing electoral reform process in Sri Lanka intending to expand the democratic representation in the Parliament and other legislative councils. Underlining the positive nature of the current electoral system in New Zealand, Minister informed that Sri Lanka wishes to learn from the electoral system in New Zealand and extract elements that are capable of adaptation to the domestic system.  Prof. Peiris further informed that the government is very keen on reviving the domestic dairy industry given its wider impact on the farming community and consumers in the country and sought to continue the partnership with the New Zealand side to this effect.  Collaboration in several other spheres including counterterrorism, trade, investment, and tourism was also discussed.

New Zealand opened its resident diplomatic Mission in Sri Lanka in August 2021, following a mutual agreement reached by the two countries to establish resident Missions, and Michael Appleton functions as the first resident High Commissioner of New Zealand to Sri Lanka.

Foreign Ministry


30 September 2021




Myanmar Ambassador to Sri Lanka U Han Thu called on Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris at the Foreign Ministry on 28 September 2021.

While congratulating Prof. Peiris on his appointment as the Foreign Minister, Ambassador Thu briefed the Minister on the current political situation in Myanmar, and actions that are being taken to bring normalcy to the country, including holding a free and fair multiparty election in the next two years.

Minister Peiris, while recalling the historical links between the two countries, mentioned that Buddhism and culture are the key pillars of close bilateral cooperation between Sri Lanka and Myanmar. He further mentioned that Sri Lanka strongly supports social and political stability within an inclusive democratic framework in Myanmar, as the latter is essential for the progress and prosperity of the people of Myanmar.

The meeting was attended by senior officials of the Foreign Ministry and the Embassy of Myanmar in Colombo.

Foreign Ministry


29 September, 2021



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