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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

Sri Lanka’s proposal to establish a “World Youth Skills Day” adopted by the UN

Yesterday, the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus, a resolution, spearheaded by Sri Lanka, declaring 15th July as the World Youth Skills Day. Sri Lanka initiated this resolution, with the assistance of the G77 & China, to highlight at a global level, the importance of youth skills development. The goal is to achieve better socio-economic conditions for today’s youth, including as a means of addressing the challenges of unemployment and under employment. This is the only resolution promoted by Sri Lanka at the UN in New York since 1999. 

Read more: Sri Lanka’s proposal to establish a “World Youth Skills Day” adopted by the UN


Media Statement relating to Fishermen

The Government of Sri Lanka notes with satisfaction the several media reports on a communication to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu O. Panneerselvam informing of the decision to release on 22nd December 2014, thirty (30) Sri Lankan fishermen and nineteen (19) boats currently in the State’s custody. 

Read more: Media Statement relating to Fishermen


Sri Lanka condemns the terrorist attack at a school in Peshawar

The Government of Sri Lanka vehemently condemns the terrorist attack today at a school in Peshawar killing over 125 persons including 84 innocent children and injuring more than 100 others.  This dastardly attack reflects the brutality of the perpetrators particularly targeting  school children. The brazen and inhumane manner in which this heinous attack was carried out at a seat of learning is particularly shocking.

Read more: Sri Lanka condemns the terrorist attack at a school in Peshawar


Sri Lanka Condemns Act of Terror in Sydney

The Government of Sri Lanka vehemently condemns the siege by a gunman on Monday 15th December at a café in Sydney’s central business district where 17 people were held hostage and resulted in the death of two hostages and injured five including a policeman. 

Read more: Sri Lanka Condemns Act of Terror in Sydney


SLAF transports equipment to repair desalination plant in Male in a special humanitarian operation


Maldivian Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon greeting the Sri Lanka Air Force crew at Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, Hulhule' Island, Maldives

Continuing Sri Lanka’s assistance to Maldives to address the ongoing water crisis in the capital, Male, the Sri Lanka Air Force in a special humanitarian operation today (11 December 2014), transported from Singapore to Maldives, the essential spares and accessories for repair of the desalination facility in Male. Due to the size and dimensions of the cargo, it was not feasible to dispatch the equipment on a commercial flight.  Therefore, acceding to a request from the Government of Maldives, President Mahinda Rajapaksa directed the Sri Lanka Air Force to undertake the transport of the equipment to Maldives on an urgent basis. 

Read more: SLAF transports equipment to repair desalination plant in Male in a special humanitarian operation


Sri Lanka provides immediate assistance to relieve potable water crisis in Maldives


The Government of Sri Lanka commenced delivery of drinking water to the capital Malé by the evening of 5th December. Malé is facing a severe shortage of drinking water, following a fire on the previous day at its sole water purification plant which disrupted the water supply to the city, and prompted the authorities to declare a "disaster situation." Malé is one of the most densely populated cities in the world and is home to over 100,000 people, being approximately one third of the total population of the Maldives.

Read more: Sri Lanka provides immediate assistance to relieve potable water crisis in Maldives


Message from H.E. The President on the occasion of the SAARC Charter Day

The Government and people of Sri Lanka join me in extending warm felicitations to the people of South Asia, as we commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the SAARC Charter Day on 8th December.

Our region is characterized by diverse cultures, ethnic groups, religions and languages nurturing over centuries the finest works of philosophy, arts & culture, music, dance, attire and cuisine.  Common civilizational links bind us through values of unity and tolerance.  SAARC’s strength is in its diversity and harmonious coexistence.

Read more: Message from H.E. The President on the occasion of the SAARC Charter Day


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