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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

G.C.E. (O/L) Examinations abroad


The Department of Examinations has informed that arrangements could be made to hold the G.C.E. (O/L) examinations at Sri Lanka Missions/Posts abroad in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sri Lanka for the children of Sri Lankan expatriates who wish to avail of such facility outside Sri Lanka.

The Department of Examinations will arrange all test administration proceedings. The funding should be borne by candidates.


Sri Lanka High Commission


08th June 2018



The attention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been drawn to a list of names published online by the ITJP (International Truth and Justice Project). According to the ITJP, this list, which presently consists of 351 names and can be accessed at is of persons who are alleged to have disappeared while in the custody of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces in May 2009.

The Office on Missing Persons (OMP) which has been established by an Act of Parliament (Act No. 14 of 2016 as amended by Act No. 09 of 2017)[1] is the permanent and independent entity in Sri Lanka that is vested with the tasks of, inter alia, searching and tracing of missing persons and clarifying the circumstances in which such persons went missing, and their fate; making recommendations to the relevant authorities towards reducing the incidents of missing persons; protecting the rights and interests of missing persons and their relatives; and identifying proper avenues of redress to which such missing persons or their relatives may have recourse.

Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges and encourages anyone in Sri Lanka or overseas to kindly share with the Office on Missing Persons:

-any further/additional/detailed information pertaining to persons whose names have been listed by the ITJP and the circumstances under which they went missing;

-any other lists/information that may be available with anyone/ entity pertaining to any individuals including lists of security forces and police personnel, who may be considered to be missing, as defined by Section 27 of the Act.

Kindly direct any information available to:


Office on Missing Persons

Address: 34, Narahenpita Road, Nawala, Sri Lanka

E-mail: < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka

Colombo 1

20 June 2018



Text in Sinhala & Tamil





Many events to mark Vesak, the most significant day in the Buddhist calendar took place in the Greater Toronto Area. The Toronto Maha Vihara, the West End Buddhist Temple and Meditation Centre of Mississauga, the Brampton-Caledon Buddhist Mission Centre and many community organizations came together and arranged sermons, children’s Sil program, alms giving, devotional songs, lantern exhibitions and food donation drives in connection with the celebrations.

Representing the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajirayana traditions, four Buddhist temples in the Greater Toronto Area organized 7th Annual Unity Vesak celebrations at the Mississauga Celebration Square on 27 May 2018. Priests from Chinese, Vietnamese, Myanmar and Sri Lankan Buddhist temples chanted blessings. Bhante Dr. Saranapala Thero, of the West End Buddhist Temple and Meditation Centre of Mississauga and chair of the organizing committee in his address highlighted the way to follow Lord Buddha’s journey for the benefit, welfare and happiness of human beings. Abbots and Abbess from FoGuang Shan Temple, Ching Kwok Buddhist Temple and Cham Shan Temple also addressed the gathering. Leader of Conservative Party and Opposition Leader of Federal Parliament Andrew Sheer, Consul General of Sri Lanka U.L.M. Jauhar, Members of Federal Parliament Sven Spengemann, Peter Fonseca, Iqra Khalid as representatives of Prime Minister Trudeau, Senator Victor Oh and Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie attended the Unity Vesak and greeted the gathering.

Addressing the gathering, Consul General of Sri Lanka in Toronto U.L.M. Jauhar said that many look at the path taught in Buddhism to overcome greed, hatred, fear and ignorance. He quoted from the message of President Maithripala Sirisena, in which he stated “The path to overcome greed, hatred, fear and ignorance is necessary not only for the social existence but also for the good governance. The Buddhist minds should develop the aspirations of a society in which there is no distinction of race, caste, religion or social status”.

Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Toronto was keenly involved in the organization of vesak celebrations and the Consul General attended the Dhamma school award ceremonies arranged by the Brampton-Caledon Buddhist Mission Centre and the West End Buddhist Temple and Meditation Centre of Mississauga on 13 May and the Toronto Maha Vihara on 3 June 2018, as chief guest.

The Consulate premises was also decorated with Buddhist flags and colorful Vesak lanterns made by the Consulate staff.


Consulate General of Sri Lanka


8 June 2018


Sri Lanka High Commission celebrates Vesak in Ottawa




The Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa, Canada participated at the Vesak Day Celebrations organized by the ‘Vesak in Ottawa and Asian Heritage Month’ at the Ottawa City Hall recently.

The Ottawa Vesak Day celebrations were attended by Canadian Government officials including the Mayor of Ottawa, Jim Watson, members of the Monastic community, diplomatic corps, and a cross section of the Ottawa Community. Celebrations featured prayers and speeches by venerable Buddhist clergy, cultural performances and art displays from Ottawa’s diverse Asian communities.

During the event, all visitors to the Sri Lanka booth decorated with Buddhist flags, were provided with maps and brochures promoting Sri Lanka in English. Complimentary Ceylon Tea was also served. The Sri Lanka stall showcased tourist attractions, illustrating the rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, wildlife and Ceylon Tea, providing a good opportunity for visitors to get a glimpse of what Sri Lanka has to offer.

The staff including the Deputy High Commissioner represented the Sri Lanka High Commission at this event. The High Commission’s participation at the event formed part of the 70th Anniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka Celebrations.

Sri Lanka High Commission


08th June 2018




Promotion of Peace and Non-Violence through the life and teachings of Gauthama Buddha celebrated during the International Vesak Day Festival at UNESCO


In accordance with the UN General Assembly resolution 54/115 recognizing the day of Vesak as an international day of observance given its significance for Buddhists all over the world, the Vesak Festival was celebrated successfully at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 24 May 2018 by the Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO in collaboration with Member States of the Asia Pacific Group.

Read more: Promotion of Peace and Non-Violence through the life and teachings of Gauthama Buddha celebrated during the International Vesak Day Festival at UNESCO


Cabinet approval for drafting of local legislation on ‘Ottawa Convention

Cabinet approval has been granted for the drafting of local legislation that would enforce the ‘Ottawa Convention on the Prohibition of the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel mines and on their destruction’ in the country.

The Ottawa Convention known as the mine ban treaty aims at eliminating anti-personnel mines around the world. At present, there are 164 state parties to the treaty. One state (the Marshall Islands) has signed but not ratified the treaty, while 32 UN states, including the United States, Russia, China and India are non-signatories, making a total of 33 United Nations states not party to the treaty.

With cabinet approval being received, Justice and Prison Reforms Minister Thalatha Athukorale has directed the Legal Draftsman to draft legislation which would enable the provisions of the treaty enforceable within Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka acceded to the Treaty in December 2017.



Sri Lanka elected to the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Sri Lanka was elected today, 06 June 2018, to one of four (04) seats available for the Asia-Pacific, in the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, for the period 2018-2022, at the election that took place in Paris during the 7th General Assembly of UNESCO.

Eight countries contested from the Asia-Pacific Group, namely, Bangladesh, China, Japan, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Malaysia, Palau and Sri Lanka. With Palau withdrawing its candidature earlier today, seven countries stood for election. The countries that succeeded in being elected are: China, Sri Lanka, Japan and Kazakhstan, securing 123, 122, 107, and 98 votes respectively.

Read more: Sri Lanka elected to the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage


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