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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

Sri Lanka participates in the Montreal International Tourism and Travel Show for the third consecutive year


Over 36,000 visitors walked the carpets of the 30th edition of the Montreal International Tourism & Travel Show in which the Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa, in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, participated in for the third consecutive year.

The event, which took place from October 19 to 21 at Place Bonaventure in Montreal, attracted prospective travellers preparing for their trips, discovering new destinations and seeking expert advice on their future holiday destinations. More than one hundred countries were represented at this event through their tourism offices, tour operators and travel agents.

During the event, all visitors to the Sri Lanka booth were provided with maps of Sri Lanka and brochures. The Sri Lanka stall showcased tourist attractions illustrating the rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes wildlife, and provided an ideal opportunity for prospective visitors to catch a glimpse of what Sri Lanka has to offer. Representatives of the Sri Lankan tourism industry from Sri Lanka and Toronto were also present at the event.

According to the Annual Statistical Report of the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, around 46,896 Canadian tourists visited Sri Lanka in 2017, which is a 6% increase in the tourists’ arrivals from Canada to Sri Lanka. It is expected that Sri Lanka’s participation at this year’s Show would further enhance Sri Lanka’s tourism potential in the Canadian market.


High Commission of Sri Lanka


25 October 2018




Diplomats from 23 countries attend Sri Lanka’s Foreign Policy and Economic Diplomacy Dialogue



The Sri Lanka Foreign Policy and Economic Diplomacy Dialogue, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commenced on Monday ( 15 October) with the participation of mid-career diplomats from 23 countries from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and Australasia.

The two week long programme is held as part of the Economic Diplomacy Programme (EDP) of the Foreign Ministry and will primarily focus on Sri Lanka’s Economy with special emphasis on its emergence as a ‘Hub of the Indian Ocean’ and as a trade, investment, and tourist destination, while showcasing Sri Lanka’s international brands, entrepreneurship, as well as important strides in research and innovation. It will also explore Sri Lanka’s rich history and culture, aspects of foreign policy including positions on international politics, and thematic issues - good governance, sustainable development, and right to information, social media and cyber security. Sri Lanka’s key government officials, academics, scientists, and business leaders will participate in the discussions, and a 3- day field visit will follow.

Read more: Diplomats from 23 countries attend Sri Lanka’s Foreign Policy and Economic Diplomacy Dialogue


Sri Lanka successfully launches a platform to define the future of the Indian Ocean

Representatives of 40 countries were in Sri Lanka from 11-12 October 2018 to discuss the future of the Indian Ocean. “The Indian Ocean: Defining Our Future” , Track 1.5 dialogue  brought together senior representatives from the Indian Ocean littoral states and major maritime users to Colombo on an initiative by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, to increase focus on an Ocean that has the potential to become a growth pole in the world economy in the future. Representatives included, among others, key senior officials from India, South Africa, USA, China, Germany, Netherlands, Singapore, Indonesia and Japan together with key think tank representatives from the region and beyond. The UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean Ambassador Peter Thomson was also in Colombo for the Conference. President Maithripala Sirisena graced the occasion with his presence.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, delivering the keynote address of the Conference highlighted the need to maintain Freedom of Navigation and Freedom of Digital Connectivity for the region to grow and prosper and the need for a shared understanding in order to maintain peace and security.

This Conference provided an inclusive space for discussion and consensus building for littorals and users of the Indian Ocean. It explored four particular areas including the Indian Ocean’s future as the new global growth pole, safety and security at sea, sustainable and low-pollution development, and stability of the Indian Ocean within a rules-based approach.

At the conclusion of this Track 1.5 dialogue, State Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs Dr. Harsha de Silva, Chairman of the Task Force that organized this Conference, summarized the general view that emerged from the Conference: The Indian Ocean economy is rapidly becoming a global growth pole in an uncertain world beset by economic risks; The region’s economic expansion needs to be inclusive, broad- based and environmentally sustainable so that we leave a meaningful legacy for future generations;  Strategic mistrust and non-traditional security threats (such as maritime crime, over-fishing, pollution and protection of undersea cables for the digital economy) are significant challenges to achieving regional peace and prosperity; and the rules-based international maritime order centred on UNCLOS needs strengthening and reinforcing for the benefit of the Indian Ocean littoral states and maritime users.

It was indicated that there would be a report of the Conference that contains elements forming the building blocks for a possible statement, which could be agreed to by Indian Ocean littoral states and major maritime users at a Ministerial Conference in Sri Lanka next year on the future of the Indian Ocean.

“The Indian Ocean: Defining Our Future” Conference was organised by the Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Global Maritime Crime Programme of the UNODC and the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies (LKI).


Ministry of Foreign Affairs


14 October 2018

Text in Sinhala (PDF)

Text in Tamil (PDF)


Launch of the Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) e-Module


An online training module, designed to enhance capacities of officials attached to Sri Lanka Missions abroad on combating human trafficking, was launched on 9 October 2018 at the Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute (BIDTI) in Colombo.  The module, prepared by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be a part of the BIDTI's Electronic Learning Space. The Government of Australia has supported the initiative with financial assistance.

Launching the online training module, Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Prasad Kariyawasam noted that human trafficking “is a scar on our sense of common humanity and is an injustice to human beings.” He further said that “human trafficking endangers people’s health; and is linked to organized crime and many criminal activities” adding that the first steps in stopping trafficking lies in the ability of being able to spot trafficking and incidents of trafficking. In this regard, this training module has been designed to assist officers stationed at Sri Lanka Missions overseas to be properly equipped to identify, assist and protect victims of human trafficking.It is our hope that this training will help them acquire the basic skills to respond effectively and with sensitivity when they encounter potential victims of trafficking,” the Secretary added. He also stressed the importance of building partnerships in combating trafficking.

Secretary to the Ministry of Justice and Prison Reforms W.M.M.R. Adikari,  in her capacity as the Chair of the National Task Force (NTF) against Human Trafficking, reiterated the necessity to strengthen the coordination between key government agencies in combating trafficking in persons. The NTF, since its establishment in 2010, has been an effective inter-agency mechanism through which Sri Lankan government institutions share information, intelligence and best practices in addressing the crime of human trafficking, both within the borders of Sri Lanka and beyond.

In this e-learning platform, a total of seven modules have been developed to provide officers with a basic understanding of the crime of human trafficking including, and how it differs from, smuggling. The modules also explain the related legal framework, relevant international processes and Conventions, how to effectively identify and interview potential victims, refer cases for assistance, protection and ensure victims’ safe return, and further elaborates on the role and responsibilities of consular and diplomatic staff in this regard.

The High Commissioner of Australia to Sri Lanka Bryce Hutchesson, addressing the event appreciated Sri Lanka’s cooperation in combating trafficking in persons, and highlighted Sri Lanka’s consistently strong role as a member of the Bali Process against human trafficking. The Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime offers a regional platform for Asia-Pacific countries for policy dialogue, information sharing and practical cooperation. Australia is also a key bilateral partner of Sri Lanka in developing capacities of several government institutions, including the Ministry of Justice, Department of Immigration and Emigration, and the Sri Lanka Navy, on addressing the issues of human trafficking and people smuggling.

Chief of Mission of the IOM in Sri Lanka Guiseppe Crocetti noted that the content of the module is based on a counter trafficking training manual and forms part of IOM Sri Lanka’s “Combating Trafficking in Persons through a Public Information Campaign” project.

Director General of the BIDTI Ambassador Pamela Deen said that the BIDTI, as the Training Arm of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to host this important module in its Electronic Learning Space.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken a proactive role in addressing the issue of human trafficking in recent years and due to the combined efforts of relevant government institutions, Sri Lanka has succeeded in retaining its Tier 2 ranking in the US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report in 2018, for the second consecutive year.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs


10 October 2018

Text in Sinhala (PDF)

Text in Tamil (PDF)




"Indian Ocean: Defining our Future" Conference to be held in Colombo on 11-12 October 2018


The "Indian Ocean: Defining our Future" Conference, which aims to create a platform for Indian Ocean littoral states and major maritime users to discuss issues of mutual interest and concern, will be held in Colombo on 11-12 October 2018.

This Conference is held at a time when the Indian Ocean has emerged as one of the world’s busiest and most critical trade corridors, carrying two thirds of global oil shipments and a third of bulk cargo and hosting the most critical Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOCs), directly impacting global trade and economy.

The "Indian Ocean: Defining Our Future" Conference will explore the region’s strongest challenges and opportunities in a 2-day symposium featuring international dignitaries and experts from the littoral states and beyond. Sri Lanka’s geographical location in the Indian Ocean and its long history of peaceful engagement with the international community makes it an ideal convenor of such an international Conference.

The Conference, scheduled to be held at Temple Trees, is an initiative of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe with the patronage of President Maithripala Sirisena.

The inaugural address of the Conference will be delivered by President Maithripala Sirisena while Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe will deliver the keynote address. The UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, Ambassador Peter Thomson will also address the inaugural session.

The Inaugural Panel titled “Navigating Challenges and Prospects in the Indian Ocean: Towards a Shared Understanding” will include key policy makers such as Indian Deputy National Security Advisor Pankaj Saran, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the US State Department Alice G. Wells, and Director General of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Yi Xianliang, and Deputy Director General at Department of International Relations and Cooperation, South Africa, and Chair of the Committee of Senior Officials of IORA, Dr Anil Sooklal.

The speakers and participants will focus their discussions on four thematic areas, namely:  The Indian Ocean Economy: The New Global Growth PoleLife below Water: Reframing the Oceans as Development Spaces; An End to Uncertainty: Safety and Security at Sea; and Reinforcing International Law in the Indian Ocean:  United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and Emerging Issues.

The Conference is expected to lead to a multilateral  diplomatic Conference to be held early next year in Sri Lanka building on the work of this Conference and move towards an understanding among littoral states and major maritime users that would contribute towards greater peace, security and prosperity in the Indian Ocean.

It is envisioned that events of this nature would further augment the government's policy towards transforming Sri Lanka into a regional trading, logistics and financial hub.

The Conference, which is a Track 1.5 exercise that includes policy makers and senior government officials along with academia, is organised by the  Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute in collaboration with the Global Maritime Crime Programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).


Ministry of Foreign Affairs


05 October 2018

Text in Sinhala (PDF)

Text in Tamil (PDF)


State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake visits Portugal


State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake paid an official visit to Portugal from 18 – 20 September 2018.

State Minister Senanayake met with Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Portugal Teresa Ribeiro. During the discussions, the State Minister highlighted the longstanding historical ties between Sri Lanka and Portugal, with special focus on centuries-old shared history and heritage, exchange of knowledge, visitors and trading companies.

State Minister Senanayake recalled the influence of Portuguese culture in Sri Lanka, especially the grandeur of Portuguese architecture in some of the coastal areas and the remnants of Portuguese intangible cultural heritage in language, music, dance, clothing, and cuisine.

Read more: State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake visits Portugal


Address by H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, President of Sri Lanka at the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly 25 September 2018, New York



May the Noble Triple Gem bless all of you !

Mr. President,

Mr. Secretary-General,

Distinguished Heads of State,

Distinguished Delegates,


I am extremely pleased to participate in the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly representing Sri Lanka for the fourth consecutive occasion.  Sri Lanka, as a Member State of the United Nations, is fully committed to adhere to its Charter, Conventions and Agreements and their implementation.

As Head of State, I am pleased to note the progress that has been made by Sri Lanka and my government during the past three-and-a-half years. When I was elected by the people of Sri Lanka as Head of State in January 2015, the Executive Office that I hold today, had excessive powers, which were comparable to those of a king, or even an emperor.  I am pleased to state that I was able to relinquish these emperor-like excessive powers and transfer them to the Parliament of Sri Lanka, fulfilling the utmost duty of an elected leader.

During the past three-and-a-half years, democracy has been strengthened in my country.  In addition, human rights, freedom of the people and the media as well as the independence of the judiciary have been strengthened. Therefore, the Sri Lanka of today is not what it used to be three-and-a-half years ago. I can clearly state that the Sri Lanka of today is a society which is more inclusive and humane.

Read more: Address by H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, President of Sri Lanka at the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly 25 September 2018, New York


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