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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

Consul General of Sri Lanka in Toronto pays courtesy call on Lieutenant Governor of Ontario


The Consul General of Sri Lanka in Toronto Kapila Jayaweera paid a courtesy call on Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on 14 March 2019.

During the courtesy call, Consul General Jayaweera recalled the Canadian support for socio-economic development in Sri Lanka during the past few decades and exchanged views on the well-being of the Sri Lankans living in the Greater Toronto Area and its suburbs.

The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario admired the achievements and various volunteer contributions of Sri Lankans living in Canada towards the Canadian society.  The Governor further briefed the Consul General on the multi cultural environment in Canada and on the opportunities available, especially for education, for Sri Lankans living in Canada.

Consulate General of Sri Lanka


18 March 2019


Foreign Minister and delegation meet UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Director General UN Office in Geneva

Foreign Minister Hon. Tilak Marapana and delegation met with Madam Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Under- Secretary General in charge of the UN Office in Geneva Mr. Michael Moller this week, on the side-lines of the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

High Commissioner Bachelet on 20 March, having received the delegation warmly, appreciated the progress made by Sri Lanka in some of the key human rights commitments arising from HRC resolution 30/1, and reaffirmed her readiness and willingness to continue to work with Sri Lanka closely in further strengthening implementation and achieving progress through technical assistance and support in areas where such assistance was required by Sri Lanka.

The delegation comprising Hon. Dr. Sarath Amunugama, M.P., Hon. Dr. Suren Raghavan, Governor of the Northern Province, and Mr. Ravinatha Aryasinha, Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva Ambassador A.L.A. Azeez had a frank and candid discussion with the High Commissioner for Human Rights, during which perspectives on different aspects of OHCHR’s engagement with Sri Lanka were shared by the delegation. Regarding certain information contained in the Office of the High Commissioner’s Report such as the “mass graves” in Mannar, the release of lands held by the military in the North and East and other matters, the Sri Lanka delegation emphasized the importance in compiling these reports by engaging closely with the relevant local institutions and independent bodies, including the National Human Rights Commission, in verifying facts on the ground.

At the meeting with the  UN Under- Secretary General on 21 March the Foreign Minister briefed Mr. Moller on progress achieved by Sri Lanka in reconciliation, peacebuilding and development and emphasized the importance of continuing assistance by UN agencies in ongoing reconstruction, reintegration and sustainable development efforts. The Foreign Secretary and the Permanent Representative were associated with the Minister.

Appreciating Sri Lanka’s leadership in some of the key areas of UN work, Mr. Moller indicated that his office would facilitate contacts between Sri Lanka and other development partners based in Geneva to help explore joint projects to complement Sri Lanka’s national efforts at advancing socio-economic development, noting further that “Sri Lanka being a country with reasonably higher social indicators than many developing states, it could better share best practices and lessons learnt in its national development efforts with the SDG Lab maintained by the United Nations Office (UNOG) and benefit from the experiences of other countries as well. Responding to Sri Lanka initiative on the National Thripitake Week and the importance of Thripitake as a UNESCO heritage, Under-secretary General Moller assured the delegation that the UN Office in Geneva would extend support for holding specific activities such as library talks on traditions and cultures highlighting their significance as common heritage.

On 21 March, Heads and deputy heads of UN and other International Organizations based in Geneva, Ambassadors to the Human Rights Council and other representatives had an opportunity to meet Hon. Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana and other members of his delegation at a reception organized by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva at a venue provided courtesy the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nation


23 March 2019



Statement by Hon. Tilak Marapana, P.C. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka and Leader of the Sri Lanka Delegation to the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council on Agenda Item 2




Statement by Hon. Tilak Marapana, P.C. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka and Leader  of the Sri Lanka Delegation to the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council on Agenda Item 2 -Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights on ‘Promoting Reconciliation, Accountability and Human Rights in Sri Lanka: 20 March 2019 – Geneva.

Mr. President,

Madam High Commissioner/Deputy High Commissioner,

Members of the Council and Delegates to the 40th Session of HRC,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am pleased to be at the 40th Session of the HRC to share Sri Lanka’s significant progress on human rights since the last review in 2017. I am joined by my parliamentary colleague Hon. (Dr) Sarath Amunugama, the Governor of the Northern Province Hon (Dr) Suren Raghavan, senior government officials including Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha and Deputy Solicitor General Nerin Pulle, and Permanent Representative Ambassador A.L.A. Azeez.

Sri Lanka’s engagement  in these Council sessions is in keeping with our government’s vision for a country that embodies the universal values of human rights, justice, rule of law and good governance, while striving to eradicate poverty and ensure economic dividends to all – providing the people a fundamental assurance of security and a sustainable future.

Read more: Statement by Hon. Tilak Marapana, P.C. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka and Leader of the Sri Lanka Delegation to the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council on Agenda Item 2


The Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa holds an awareness forum titled “Why the Thripitaka needs to be a World Heritage”


The Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa together with the Hilda Jayewardenaramaya, Ottawa Buddhist Vihara, the Ottawa Theravada Buddhist Vihara and the Sri Lankan expatriate community in Ottawa held an awareness forum titled “Why the Thripitaka needs to be a World Heritage” on Saturday, 16th March 2019 at the Ottawa Masonic Centre.

The programme commenced with the observance of the five precepts followed by an address by Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to Canada, Asoka Girihagama. In his address, High Commissioner Girihagama outlined the background of the forum and the efforts by the Government of Sri Lanka in making the Thripitaka a World Heritage. He stated that the Government of Sri Lanka had taken action to submit the application to the UNESCO to make the Tripitaka a world heritage which would be considered at an appropriate session at the UNESCO in the near future.

Read more: The Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa holds an awareness forum titled “Why the Thripitaka needs to be a World Heritage”


Sri Lanka delegation attends a Peace keeping training programme in Canada


A four member delegation from the Ministry of Defence, Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Armed Forces visited Canada on a peacekeeping training programme initiated by the High Commission of Sri Lanka in Ottawa and the Department of National Defense, Canada from 6-8th March 2019 in Canada.

The delegation visited National defence Headquarters and Global Affairs Canada in Ottawa and the Canadian Armed Forces, Peace Support Training Centre and the 1st Canadian Division/Disaster Assistance Response Team in Kingston during their stay.


5TH Meeting of Sri Lanka - European Commission Joint Readmission Committee


The 5th meeting of the Joint Readmission Committee between Sri Lanka and the European Community was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombo on 11th March 2019.

The Meeting was co-chaired by Additional Secretary (Multilateral Affairs), Ahmed A. Jawad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Deputy Head of Unit of Irregular Migration and Return Policy, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG-Home) of the European Commission, Dan Rotenberg.

The Agreement between the European Community and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on the Readmission of Persons Residing without Authorisation, was signed on the 4th of June 2004 and entered into force on 1st May 2005.  It was part of an initiative to combat illegal migration and was also an indication of the commitment of the Government of Sri Lanka and the European Community to combat all forms of organized crimes.  The Agreement also guarantees the safe and orderly return of illegal migrants and failed asylum seekers back to their country of origin.

The discussions were held in a very cordial atmosphere with both Parties pledging support in fulfilling the obligations under the Agreement.

Read more: 5TH Meeting of Sri Lanka - European Commission Joint Readmission Committee


Foreign Minister Marapana underlines that the prime duty of Sri Lankan Defence Attachés is to serve the country and its people


Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana said that the prime duty of Sri Lankan Defence Attachés assigned to Sri Lanka Missions overseas is to serve the country and its people and that they should be mindful of the fact that they are 'there to serve and not to be served'.

Foreign Minister Marapana made these remarks attending as the chief guest of the certificate awarding ceremony of the Intensive Training Programme for military officers who would be assigned as Defence Attachés/ Advisors in Sri Lanka Missions overseas, organized by the Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute (BIDTI), the training arm of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The certificate awarding ceremony was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday (08 March). The participating military officers received their certificates from Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana upon successful completion of the training programme.

The Intensive Training Programme, which was conducted at the BIDTI from 18 February to 07 March 2019, was attended by thirty (30) officers from the Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Air Force and the Sri Lanka Navy, who would be assigned as Defence Attachés/ Advisors in Sri Lanka Missions overseas in the near future.

This was the first time that the BIDTI conducted a Training Programme for prospective Defence Attachés/ Advisors of Sri Lanka.

Read more: Foreign Minister Marapana underlines that the prime duty of Sri Lankan Defence Attachés is to serve the country and its people


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