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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake Visits Lebanon



State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake paid a courtesy call on the President of Lebanon General Michel Aoun at Babda Palace in Lebanon during his official visit to Lebanon. On behalf of the President of Sri Lanka, the State Minister extended an invitation to the President General Michel Aoun which was warmly accepted. 

Read more: State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake Visits Lebanon


Hon. Tilak Marapana assumes duties as Minister of Foreign Affairs


Hon. Tilak Marapana, Minister of Development Assignments assumed duties at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Friday 18 August 2017. 

Minister Marapana was received by the Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Prasad Kariyawasam and senior staff upon arrival at the Ministry. Following the lighting of the traditional oil lamp and holding of religious observances, the Minister officially assumed duties at the Ministry.

Read more: Hon. Tilak Marapana assumes duties as Minister of Foreign Affairs


President's message addressed to King of Spain on terrorist attacks in Spain

18 August 2017


His Majesty King Felipe VI

Kingdom of Spain 

Your Majesty, 

I am deeply saddened by the terrorist attacks in Spain on 17 August that resulted in the death and injury of so many innocent people. 

Read more: President's message addressed to King of Spain on terrorist attacks in Spain


Prasad Kariyawasam assumes duties as Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Following his appointment by President Maithripala Sirisena on 29 July, as Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prasad Kariyawasam assumed duties yesterday morning, Tuesday 15 August 2017.

Read more: Prasad Kariyawasam assumes duties as Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


State Minister of Foreign Affairs Attends BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting in Kathmandu


State Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasantha Senanayake attended the Fifteenth Ministerial Meeting of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 11 August 2017. 

Read more: State Minister of Foreign Affairs Attends BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting in Kathmandu


Dengue Epidemic in Sri Lanka is successfully brought under control

The Dengue Epidemic that has become a concern in Sri Lanka for the past few months is successfully brought under control by the measures taken by the relevant government authorities and collective effort of the general public alike, Sri Lanka Tourism confirms. Reported cases have dropped by 35-40% since mid-July according to the sources of Ministry of Health. Regular campaigns were implemented to educate, clean up areas and other preventive measures have been taking place to control the spreading of the disease under guidance and surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka.

Read more: Dengue Epidemic in Sri Lanka is successfully brought under control


Farewell for Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam in Washington D.C.


“Though I wind up as Ambassador to the USA, I want to say that I will forever remain an Ambassador for ‘U.S.-Sri Lanka relations.’ I believe there is so much that our two countries, though geographically distant, can achieve for mutual benefit”, Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam said addressing a distinguished gathering at a farewell reception hosted by the U.S. State Department this morning.

Read more: Farewell for Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam in Washington D.C.


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