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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

Online Arrival Departure Cards


President's New Year Message-2023


High Commission closed due to bad weather conditions in Ottawa

Due to bad weather conditions in  Ottawa, the High Commission closed today (23.12.2022)

High Commissioner Navaratne reiterates that Sri Lanka stands for a healthy and sustainable planet at COP-15 in Montreal, Canada


Delivering the Country Statement at the High Level Segment of COP 15, High Commissioner Harsh Kumara Navaratne  reiterated  that  “Sri Lanka is always  ready to stand  with the  international community  for a healthy and  sustainable planet”.

He stated that despite its small size, Sri Lanka is endowed with a wide variety of ecosystems and is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the Asian region with varied climate and topography and high taxonomic diversity.  With a high degree of biospecies multifariousness, Sri Lanka is also increasingly being subjected to biodiversity loss. Therefore, he emphasized the need to have in place effective instruments and mechanisms to safeguard the biodiversity status quo of island nations like Sri Lanka and recognized the Glolitter Partnership to enhance regional cooperation to support the transition of maritime transport and fisheries sectors towards a low plastics future. 


Speaking of achievements, High Commissioner Navaratne stated that Sri Lanka spearheaded the UN Global campaign on sustainable nitrogen management in 2019 addressing a major cause for biodiversity loss and habitat destruction. He added that Sri Lanka also leads the Commonwealth countries as the champion of the Mangrove Restoration.  On commitments, he said that Sri Lanka supported the Kunming declaration to accelerate the actions towards achieving the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity and support the upcoming Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework with more realistic and implementable national plans and strengthening south-south, north-south and triangular cooperation in the coming decade. 

High Commissioner Navaratne,  is heading the Sri Lanka delegation at the ongoing COP-15 and concurrent meetings of the parties to the Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols and the Fifth Meeting of the Working Group on the Post - 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework which started on  6 December 2O22 in Montreal, Canada.  The meetings are scheduled to end on 19th December 2022. 


The in-person delegation include Ms. Pathmalatha Amarakoon, Director, Bio-Diversity Secretariat , Ms. Lumbini Kiriella, Chief Legal Officer from the Ministry of Environment, Ms. Lashinka Dammullage, Counsellor of the Sri Lanka High Commission while other delegates connected virtually from Sri Lanka.


The full text of the Statement is attached.

Sri Lanka High Commission


16th December 2022


Preventive Measures for Persons Arriving from Overseas during the Pandemic of COVID-19


Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabry Before Their Meeting

Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabry Before Their Meeting



Notice of Vacancy of Chauffeur/Driver

The Sri Lanka High Commission / Ottawa seeking a suitable candidate for the post of Chauffeur / Driver

 Salary                                                         : CA$ 2,185.00 Monthly

 Working Hours                                         : Monday through Friday 9.00 am - 4.45 pm

                                                                  (After / before office hours and during weekends / holidays overtime will be paid)

 Driving Licence                                        : Canadian Driving Licence (G class)

 Curriculum Vitae can be forwarded to     : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Application deadline :  15 (Thursday) December, 2022 by 5.00 pm.

 Date of Appointment                               : 02 January 2023

 N.B: Applications will be short listed and called for an interview.


Sri Lanka High Commission

Suite 1204, 333 Laurier Avenue, Ottawa, On, K1P 1C1


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