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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa


The Ambassador of the Netherlands to Sri Lanka Tanja Gonggrijp paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris on Wednesday 25 August at the Foreign Ministry in Colombo.  Ambassador Gonggrijp extended her warm felicitations to Foreign Minister Peiris at the outset of the courtesy meeting.

During discussions, Foreign Minister Peiris highlighted the long and fruitful relationship between Sri Lanka and the Netherlands which has influenced the legal system, architecture, cuisine, culture and lifestyle, as well as various facets of the socio-political system in Sri Lanka.  The Minister Peiris in this regard made specific reference to the legacy of Roman Dutch law which has contributed to the evolution of the Sri Lankan legal system.

With regard to contemporary relations, the Foreign Minister Peiris reiterated the strong resolve of the Government of Sri Lanka to reinforce areas of cooperation with the Netherlands in the political, economic and cultural spheres, enhance connectivity and people-to-people interactions, as well as to further strengthen collaboration in multilateral fora.

Reciprocating the sentiments of the Foreign Minister Peiris, Ambassador Gonggrijp elaborated on the many areas of synergy and cooperation existing between Sri Lanka and the Netherlands which are harnessed for mutual benefit.  In this regard, the Ambassador Gonggrijp referred to Dutch technical expertise in the fields of agriculture, dairy industry, culture, heritage management and restoration, which are being utilised in programmes of ongoing collaboration with Sri Lanka.

The Ambassador Gonggrijp also referred to value-added production and exports in the agriculture sector, capacity building in the dairy sector, and use of organic fertiliser and sustainable agriculture in Sri Lanka, as areas where there can be further collaboration with the Netherlands.  There was agreement to further explore areas of synergy for mutual benefit.

The State Minister for Regional Cooperation Tharaka Balasuriya, Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage and senior officials of the Foreign Ministry participated in the meeting.

Foreign Ministry


25 August, 2021




The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Sri Lanka Holger Lothar Seubert paid a courtesy call on the new Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka Prof. G.L. Peiris on Tuesday 24 August at the Foreign Ministry in Colombo.

At the meeting, Foreign Minister Peiris underscored the significance and multifaceted nature of Sri Lanka - Germany bilateral ties ranging from political, economic relations to longstanding cultural links and people-to-people contacts.

Ambassador Seubert highlighted the vibrant and productive cooperation existing between the two countries both bilaterally and multilaterally.  He also referred to the success of the recently concluded political consultations between Sri Lanka and Germany which covered a wide range of sectors.

Referring to the strong presence of reputed German companies in Sri Lanka, the Foreign Minister invited Germany to further optimise investment and trade opportunities in Sri Lanka towards mutual benefit.

Identifying development cooperation as an important dimension of bilateral cooperation, Foreign Minister Peiris expressed his sincere appreciation for the valuable vocational training opportunities provided to Sri Lankan youth through the German Technical Training Institutes in Katubedda, Kilinochchi, and the new training institute being set up in Matara.  Ambassador Seubert apprised the Foreign Minister on the Mahamodara Maternity Hospital (Helmut Kohl Hospital) in Galle, which is constructed with German assistance.

Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage and senior officials of the Ministry participated in the meeting.

Foreign Ministry


25 August, 2021



The Sri Lanka High Commission and Consulate General hold the first International Day of Remembrance and tribute to the victims of terrorism

The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Ottawa and Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Toronto virtually hold the first International Day of Remembrance and tribute to the victims of terrorism on 21stAugust 2021 at 6.00 p.m.

The General Assembly, in its resolution 72/165 (2017), established 21 August as the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism in order to honor and support the victims and survivors of terrorism and to promote and protect the full enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The programme commenced with observing a minute of silence in memory of all victims of terrorism. The Acting High Commissioner for Sri Lanka in Canada, Mrs. Sithara Khan delivered the welcome address. Consul General for Sri Lanka in Toronto Mr. Kapila Jayaweera also made an address. Hon. Yasmin Ratansi, Member of Parliament for Don. Valley East Canada and the Chair of the Canada Sri Lanka Parliamentary Friendship Group who addressed the event recalled her visits to Sri Lanka and to the Northern and Eastern Provinces and stated that “It was important to me visit some of the places where young kids who were taken by the LTTE to fight for them and hear the horror stories that Tamils themselves were used as human shields by the LTTE”.

The Keynote address was delivered by Dr. Sarath Chandrasekara, Sessional Professor in Sociology at the university of Toronto and McMaster University, former Civil Servant, Canadian Civil Service of the Federal Public Service and Professor of Social Work at the National Institute of Social Development (NISD) Sri Lanka. In his address, Dr. Chandrasekara defined ‘terrorism’ and genocide according to the UN definitions and also explained the countries which were vulnerable to terrorist attacks and how it had affected the social life of people in the world. He also referred to Sri Lanka’s experience and stated that the “LTTE forced people to contribute and Canada was a leading contributor in the amount of Canadian Dollars 280,000 per month which went for arms purchase. Tamil businesses in Canada were asked to pay 10% to 20% of their income or profit to the so called liberation war. Although Canadian RCMP was fully aware about of these transactions they were not allowed to publicize the details”. He further stated that the LTTE recruited young children as cadre and used women as suicide bombers. He also stated that the LTTE invaded public schools and recruited students, children to their cadre and also disable women were used as suicide bombers”

The event which was well attended was compered by Mrs. Lashinka Dammullage, Counsellor of the High Commission.


Sri Lanka High Commission


21st August 2021




Ambassador of Kuwait Khalaf Bu Dhhair called on the new Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris on 24 August, 2021.

In his opening remarks, Ambassador Dhhair extended greetings from the Foreign Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah and expressed the Government of Kuwait's willingness to enhance bilateral trade and economic relations with the Government of Sri Lanka. Furthermore, the Ambassador Dhhair said that the Government of Kuwait was looking forward to employing skilled workers from Sri Lanka in the health and energy sectors.

Responding to the remarks made by the Ambassador Dhhair, Foreign Minister Peiris expressed that the Government of Sri Lanka and the State of Kuwait enjoy extremely cordial relations and during his tenure, was looking forward to strengthening Sri Lanka's relations with the Gulf countries. Minister Peiris also conveyed the Sri Lankan Government's appreciation to the Emir of Kuwait for the donation granted by the Kuwaiti Red Crescent Society for the COVID – 19 emergency health sector requirements. The Minister Peiris also noted the valuable support extended by Kuwait to the Government to Sri Lanka at the UN Human Rights Council and other multilateral forums.

Foreign Minister Peiris and the Ambassador Dhhair discussed the possibilities of further expanding the Trade and Investment ties between both countries into new areas such as energy, hotel and tourism and urban housing projects through a partnership between public and private sector institutions. They also noted that there were new areas of bilateral cooperation that are yet to be explored such as Tourism, Health and Energy sectors which would be mutually beneficial in strengthening the already existing cordial relations between the two countries.

Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage and senior officials of the Foreign Ministry also participated at the meeting.

Foreign Ministry


24 August, 2021




The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Sri Lanka Santhush Woonjin Jeong paid a courtesy call on the newly appointed Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris on Tuesday, 24 August, 2021 at the Foreign Ministry.

The Ambassador Woonjin extended sincere felicitations to the Foreign Minister on his new role and reiterated his country’s commitment to assist Sri Lanka in bilateral and multilateral settings on matters of mutual interest.

The discussions centered on a wide range of areas of existing and potential cooperation including education, science, information technology, digitalization, pharmaceutical production, labor migration, people-to-people exchanges and partnership in multilateral engagements. A particular emphasis was placed on the importance of development of Korean language education in Sri Lanka, enabling direct and effective exchanges between citizens, businesses and institutions between both countries.

During the meeting, Foreign Minister Peiris reiterated the significance of Sri Lanka-Korea bilateral relations which continue to be mutually beneficial with potential for further expansion and expressed appreciation for Ambassador Woonjin’s sentiments towards Sri Lanka and its people.

They agreed to explore further avenues for expanding trade and economic relations between the two countries which can be diversified into new development projects and investments.

Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage and senior officials of the Ministry participated in the meeting.

Foreign Ministry


24 August, 2021




Foreign Minister Prof. G.L.Peiris and the staff of the Foreign Ministry express their deepest condolences on the passing away of former Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera.

The late Minister Mangala Samaraweera served two terms as the Foreign Minister from 2005-2007 and 2015-2017.  He will be remembered for his commitment and dedication to duty, for the values he stood for and for his humane qualities. Sri Lanka has lost a leader who was deeply committed to the welfare and development of his country.

At this difficult time, our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the late Minister. The pandemic has claimed yet another life, and this time an illustrious son of Sri Lanka who served his country well. May he attain the supreme bliss of Nibbhana!

Foreign Ministry


24 August, 2021




The Pakistan High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Major General Muhammad Saad Khattak (Retd.) called on the new Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris on 20 August 2021 at the Foreign Ministry.

Having congratulated Foreign Minister Peiris on his appointment, the Pakistan High Commissioner briefed him on the situation in Afghanistan. He emphasized that the Taliban has assured the safety of foreign nationals in Afghanistan and has also made a pledge that rights of women and children would be protected. The High Commissioner also said Pakistan hopes that Afghanistan would soon establish a peaceful government structure and integrate with the rest of the world.

Foreign Minister Peiris informed High Commissioner Khattak that Sri Lanka is closely monitoring the developments in Afghanistan and making arrangements in coordination with other friendly nations and international organizations to evacuate Sri Lankans from that country. Minister Peiris also sought assistance from the Government of Pakistan to evacuate Sri Lankan nationals from Afghanistan, to which High Commissioner Khattak responded by assuring that the fullest support would be extended by his government in that context.

Foreign Minister Peiris and the Pakistan High Commissioner Khattak discussed further scope for enhancing trade and investment opportunities between both countries under the bilateral Free Trade Agreement as well as through joint initiatives aimed at promotion of investments.

Foreign Minister Peiris appreciated the training opportunities provided by the Pakistan government for the Sri Lanka defence forces and scholarships for Sri Lankan students for their higher studies, and stressed that those opportunities and cooperation in defence matters should be further increased in the coming years.

They also explored a wide range of areas of mutual interest in which the existing longstanding ties between the two countries could be diversified into new projects advancing joint collaboration.

Foreign Secretary Prof. Jayanath Colombage was present at the meeting.

Foreign Ministry


23 August, 2021



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