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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

Wickremesinghe Calls On AllParties In Parliament For Government Of Broad Consensus


Click on the photo to listen to the statement

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe called upon all partiesrepresenting the parliament to form a consensus government.

Giving a special statement at the Temple Trees a short while ago,he said that he will take oaths as the Prime Minister of the next government.

Read more: Wickremesinghe Calls On AllParties In Parliament For Government Of Broad Consensus


EU Observers Give Thumps Up To Lankan Parliamentary Polls


EU observers have given a thumbs up to the recent parliamentary elections in Sri Lanka, saying the polls were well administered but noted that campaign expenditure was exorbitant with some candidates spending over 5 lakh dollars.

Read more: EU Observers Give Thumps Up To Lankan Parliamentary Polls


UN chief congratulates new SL govt.


UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on the new government in Sri Lanka under United National Front (UNF) leader Ranil Wickremesinghe to make further progress on good governance, accountability and reconciliation.

Read more: UN chief congratulates new SL govt.


Election- All Island Result in Sri Lanka

Result sheet in pdf.

As the Head of the State refrained neutral a free, fair and peaceful election could be held – President


President Maithripala Sirisena in a Special Message to the Nation said the election held yesterday was the most peaceful election in the political history of this country, ever witnessed since the very first General Election held in 1947.

“And you all know very well that the just concluded election was a completely a different experience. An Election of a different form,” he said.

“I am extremely happy that a very peaceful election was held for the first time in Sri Lanka’s history at a time where I hold the reigns as President of this country. The key lesson one draws from this election is, that such a pleasant outcome of an election comes when the Head of the State refrains from getting involved in the election campaign per se and stays neutral which contributes heavily to the holding of a peaceful election,” the President said.

Full statement of the President:

Read more: As the Head of the State refrained neutral a free, fair and peaceful election could be held – President


President Sirisena concludes State Visit to Maldives for the 50th Anniversary of Independence


President Maithripala Sirisena returned to Sri Lanka on Monday (27th July) afternoon concluding his State Visit to Maldives for the 50th Anniversary of Independence. 

Read more: President Sirisena concludes State Visit to Maldives for the 50th Anniversary of Independence


President to attend the Golden Jubilee of Independence of Maldives

President Maithripala Sirisena will undertake a state visit to participate at the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Maldives on 26th July, 2015 in Male. The President will be accompanied by the Minister of Finance Ravi Karunanayake and senior officials of the government.

Read more: President to attend the Golden Jubilee of Independence of Maldives


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