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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

Notice from Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Sri Lanka Tourism  is deeply shocked and saddened  by the Easter attacks that took place on Sunday in Sri Lanka.
Our deepest  sympathies and condolences  to all the victims  and their families,  and we wish a speedy recovery to those injured. In the  immediate  aftermath  of the explosions  we deployed  our trained  emergency response  teams and  have representatives in hospitals, affected hotels and  the airport to assist tourists in any way possible including hotel  transfers,airline bookings,airport transfer,itinerary changes,hospital treatment,contacting their loved ones and reuniting missing family members through their respective missions.

We wish to inform the loved ones of those injured, deceased  or missing that wish to travel to Sri Lanka that our teams are in place and will facilitate  the local hospitality upon their arrivals at the airport. Please contact Ms. Madubhani Perera,Director/Marketing  +94 77 398 65 53 ( ) or Mr. Viranga Bandara , Assistant  Director + 94 77 290 72 75 ( ) of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion  Bureau for assistance in this regard.

Explosions in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lanka High Commission has assigned the following points of contact to respond/assist public inquires on the situation in Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the explosions on Sunday  21stApril, 2019.

The following officers may be contacted on matters related to Consular Affairs, Media, Travel and Tourism or any other matters of concern. Please note that the High Commission will only respond to specific queries of concern and relevance and not to general queries on the situation.

For Urgent Inquires                                                                          Contact Details

Mission Hotline                                                                                613-233-8449

Mrs. J. Ellepola/ Mr. S.Amarakoon                                         

For Consular Matters 613-233-3994

Mrs.S. Khan                                                                                       This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


For Media, Travel and Tourism                                                      613-233-1550

Mrs.Mithila Perera                                                                              This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

24 hour hotline for inquires on affected foreign nationals

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sri Lanka                                              +94 11 232 3015

In addition to the above, the following Sri Lanka Police helpline is also available for assistance.

Sri Lanka Police Helpline                                                                +94 11 232 2485



Sri Lanka High Commission


21st April 2019


Emergency Contact details in Sri Lanka

The following official can be Contacted with regard to any Consular and Media inquiries one the explosions that occurred on 21/04/2019 Sri Lanka

 Consular /Ministry of  Foreign Affairs Sri Lanka

  1. Mr. U.L. Mohommed Jauhar

           Director General /Consular Affairs

           Mobile:+94 774 513 222

        2.  Ms. Sachini Dias

             Assistant Director / Consular Affairs

             Mobile : +94 766 230 974

 Media/Ministry of  Foreign Affairs Sri Lanka

               1.  Mrs. Saroja Sirisena

                  Director General / Public Diplomacy

                  Mobile : +94 777 328 8348

            2.   Mr. Niluka Kadurugamuwa

                  Director / Public Diplomacy

                  Mobile : +94 773 398 9623

            3.   Mr.Thulan Bandara

                  Assistant Director /Public Diplomacy

                  Mobile : +94 714 253 117



Following the explosions that took place in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa, earlier today, the number of foreign nationals who have been identified as deceased at the National Hospital in Colombo stands at eleven.  The fatalities are: three (03) from India, one (01) from Portugal, two (02) from Turkey, three (03) from the UK, and two (02) holding US and UK nationalities.

Additionally, while nine foreign nationals are reported missing, there are twenty five unidentified bodies believed to be of foreigners at the Colombo Judicial Medical Officer’s mortuary.

Furthermore, as at 6pm today, 19 foreign nationals injured in the attacks are receiving treatment at the Colombo National Hospital.

Directors of Negombo and Batticaloa General Hospitals and the Colombo North Teaching Hospital have informed the Foreign Ministry that no foreigners have been admitted with injuries or declared dead at their respective hospitals.

Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha and Tourism, Wildlife and Christian Religious Affairs Secretary S. Hettiarachchi visited the Colombo National Hospital this afternoon where victims were receiving treatment and also the mortuary to express condolences to the bereaved families. The respective Colombo-based Heads of Mission of the countries of the deceased as well as Sri Lanka Missions overseas have been informed of the casualties.

The Foreign Ministry is in close contact with the relevant hospital authorities on the identification of the remaining victims. The Ministry will continue to monitor the welfare of the foreign nationals receiving treatment.

An emergency hotline to assist families of the affected foreign nationals will be operational 24 hours at +94 112323015.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

21 April 2019



Hon.Prime Minister's Statement

On behalf of the Government,  I would  like to offer my deepest  sympathies  to the injured persons and the relations  of the deceased  consequent  to the recent attacks occurred  this morning.  I see this as an attempt to make the country and its economy unstable.

I condemn these attacks which targeted religious places and some hotels. We all should join hands to protect law and order. I have already instructed the Secretary I Defence, Tri Forces Commanders and the Inspector General of Police to take stringent action to ensure law and order in the country.

Further, I and some ministers had a discussion with HE the President in this regard.  Secretary to the President, Attorney General, and Secretary to the Treasury, Secretary I Disaster Management and Security Chiefs were among the present.

Law will be strictly enforced against the persons those who are responsible for these attacks after finalizing the investigations,

We shall bear with this unfortunate situation and work together to uphold the law and order. Thank you!

Text in Sinhala (PDF)

Text in Tamil  (PDF)



President Maithripla Sirisena expressed his, shock, deep pain and dismay over the brutal attacks on places of religious worship and other civilian establishments.

He said that that he has instructed all law enforcement agencies and defence services to take every possible step to maintain law and order and conduct speedy investigations into the dastardly attack and bring the culprits and those who were behind this conspiracy to book.

“I have given instructions to take very stern action against the persons who are responsible for this conspiracy,” the President said and added that all required steps have been taken to fulfill the responsibilities as a government.

President Sirisena appealed to the nation to act with utmost restraint and patience, and not to be misled by baseless rumours and false stories. He also urged the people to extend unstinted support and cooperation to the government for the steps taken at this trying occasion.





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