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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa


Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena during a meeting with the Australian High Commissioner David Holly on 13 July 2021 discussed avenues for consolidating relations between the two countries in multiple spheres to achieve tangible outcomes.

Following up from the successful telephone conversation held with the Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne in June this year, the two sides discussed ways and means to enhance the capacity of the Sri Lankan Marine Protection Authorities to minimize the damage caused by future maritime catastrophes.  In this regard, the Minister Gunawardena extended Sri Lanka’s gratitude for the provision of personal protective equipment and gear to assist the coastal cleaning efforts due to the MV X-Press Pearl disaster. It was agreed to build a broad-based dialogue around the issue of maritime environmental calamities and the importance of curtailing the adverse impacts of such incidents through international and regional fora such as the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA).

The Foreign Minister Gunawardena appreciated Australia’s continuous support to enhance capability of the public health sector to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and projects implemented under Australian Overseas Development Assistance to bolster the socio-economic development in Sri Lanka.

The two sides also agreed to prioritize convening of bilateral consultations between the two countries in the political, economic and maritime sectors as key platforms for deepening and extending the bilateral partnership in keeping with the mutual interests of the countries.  Advancing collaborations in the science and technology field through a structured mechanism, was also identified as a potential sector for exchange of expertise.

High Commissioner Holly affirmed Australia’s keenness to jointly promote Sri Lanka as an educational hub where international students could obtain Australian qualifications in Sri Lanka.  While welcoming the education cooperation between the two countries and Australian Government’s current efforts to permit the return of international students to Australia, whose higher studies have been affected due to the ongoing COVID-19 related travel restrictions, Foreign Minister Gunawardena requested to consider the early facilitation of Sri Lankan students’ travel to Australia.

Foreign Ministry


14 July, 2021




Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn have agreed to strengthen and expand bilateral relations into new areas of mutually beneficial cooperation, leading to the celebration of the establishment of 50 years of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and Luxembourg in 2022.

This understanding was reached yesterday (Friday, 09 July, 2021) during a video call between the two Ministers, as a follow up to Minister Asselborn’s official visit to Sri Lanka in January 2020, the first visit by a Luxembourg Foreign Minister to Sri Lanka. The two Ministers also agreed to celebrate this landmark anniversary next year in both countries in a fitting manner.

During their cordial discussion, both Ministers reviewed bilateral relations and underscored the importance of enhanced economic cooperation, especially in the financial sector with a focus on sustainable and green bond financing, trade & investment, air connectivity, employment, and education.

Minister Gunawardena briefed his Luxembourg counterpart on Sri Lanka’s progress in reconciliation, international assistance for the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines and cooperation with multilateral institutions, among other matters of mutual interest.

Foreign Ministry


10 July, 2021




New Country Representative of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to Sri Lanka Christian Skoog presented his credentials to Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena, yesterday, 05 July, 2021 at the Foreign Ministry.

Accepting credentials, Minister Gunawardena recalled that the UNICEF’s cooperation with Sri Lanka supporting the rights and wellbeing of children, since the early 1950’s. Minister Gunawardena acknowledged with appreciation the outstanding work carried out by the UNICEF in Sri Lanka and particularly its efforts to seek empower, educate and enable Sri Lanka’s children to become the agents of change who drive national development into the future. He also commented the UNICEF’s COVID-19 response and social protection.

While elaborating UNICEF's child-centered approach which is designed to positively impact the stages of a child’s growth and development which is categorized as early childhood, middle childhood and adolescence, UNICEF Country Representative underscored that the UNICEF wishes to work closely with Sri Lanka towards 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development, mainly in achieving the SDGs directly linked to children.

Minister Gunawardena expressed hope that the on-going excellent cooperation between the Government of Sri Lanka and the UNICEF will be further strengthened during the term of the new UNICEF Country Representative.

Foreign Ministry


06 July, 2021





Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage was interviewed on Ada Derana Get Real by Mahieash Johnney| Episode 110 on 05 July 2021.

The discussion comprised India and the Port City; “Addressing India’s concerns on Port City project”.

The full interview could be viewed at:




Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena engaged in a productive interaction with a cross section of overseas Sri Lankans representing community and business associations as well as the Maha Sangha and other religious leaders in Singapore and Brunei Darussalam in a virtual meeting held on 1 July 2021. Foreign Minister Gunawardena was joined by State Minister for Regional Cooperation Tharaka Balasuriya and Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage at this interactive session.

The newly established Overseas Sri Lankans Division, under the guidance of Foreign Minister Gunawardena, has taken this new initiative to hold a series of discussions for regular interaction with overseas Sri Lankans to reconnect them with the motherland and play their crucial role in promoting transnational ties between Sri Lanka and their host countries.

In his address, Foreign Minister Gunawardena at the outset, thanked the Sri Lankan community in Singapore and in Brunei Darussalam for their substantial contribution in numerous ways for Sri Lanka’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and in particular, for their continued support with urgent medical supplies to the country at this challenging period.

While highlighting the fact that the Sri Lankan community, including the Maha Sangha in Singapore has been a very effective bridge in building a strong relationship between the two countries, Foreign Minister Gunawardena urged them to continue on that path even more vigorously in the current context to seize opportunities presented in every sphere, be it economic, social or cultural and thus to contribute to the progress and prosperity of Sri Lanka. He also reminded of Singapore’s vibrant Sri Lankan community, who has contributed significantly for the country’s remarkable development since its formative years and expressed hope that these great linkages still offer opportunities to form mutually beneficial relationships between the two countries involving the Sri Lanka community in Singapore.

Stressing the immense opportunities exist for economic integration with the ASEAN countries, State Minister for Regional Cooperation Tharaka Balasuriya in his speech sought continued support of overseas Sri Lankans in Singapore and Brunei Darussalam with all their capabilities and influence to ensure that Sri Lanka fully benefits from its engagement with these two key ASEAN countries.

Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage, who also moderated this inaugural discussion, in his opening remarks, stressed the need for wider support from overseas Sri Lankans more than ever before for Sri Lanka’s development efforts, and urged them to come forward in a big way to play their part with increased economic contributions as well as in their invaluable roles in society.

High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Singapore Sashikala Premawardhane in her brief speech expressed sincere thanks to the Sri Lankan community in Singapore for their invaluable support and contribution to overcome many challenges the High Commission faced, while looking after the welfare of stranded Sri Lankans in Singapore and Brunei Darussalam, and in its repatriation efforts during this pandemic period. She also emphasized the need for better coordination in channeling the donations and contributions being received for their efficient use.

The Maha Sangha and other religious leaders as well as representatives from more than (15) community and business associations in Singapore and Brunei Darussalam, who participated at this interactive session expressed their strong support, and pledged many forms of donations and contributions for Sri Lanka’s efforts in fighting the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. They also reaffirmed to work closely with the Foreign Ministry and the Sri Lanka High Commission in Singapore extending their fullest cooperation in every possible way for the betterment of the motherland.

Additional Secretary of Economic Affairs P. M. Amza, Director General of Consular Affairs & Overseas Sri Lankans Division Wishwanath Aponsu and several other senior officials of the Foreign Ministry also participated at this inaugural session of engaging with overseas Sri Lankans.

The event was concluded following the chanting of Pirith by the Maha Sangha, who participated in this occasion.

Singapore has a vibrant community of Sri Lankans and persons of Sri Lankan origin presently numbered around 10000, and there are nearly 500 overseas Sri Lankans engaged in a range of professions in Brunei Darussalam.

Foreign Ministry


04 July, 2021




The Government of Sri Lanka has apprised the European Union (EU) of progress in specific areas of reconciliation, as part of its regular engagement and dialogue with the organization.  Accordingly, the Foreign Ministry on 25 June, informed the EU of action underway to revisit provisions of the Prevention of Terrorism Act, No 48 of 1979, with the study of existing legislation, past practice, and international best practices.

The EU was informed of the decision made by the Cabinet of Ministers on 21 June to appoint a Cabinet Sub-committee and an Officials Committee to assist the Cabinet Sub-Committee, to review the PTA, and to submit a report to the Cabinet within three months.  Toward this end, the Officials Committee was appointed on 24 June, with senior representation from the Ministries of Justice, Defence, Foreign Affairs, Public Security; and the Attorney General’s Department, the Legal Draftsman’s Department, the Sri Lanka Police, and the Office of Chief of National Intelligence.

The EU was further informed of the granting of pardon by the President, exercising his powers in terms of Article 34 of the Constitution, to sixteen (16) former LTTE cadres convicted and serving sentence under the PTA, on 24 June.  The organization was also apprised of the process that has been set in motion to release detainees who have been in judicial custody for a prolonged period, under the PTA.

With reference to progress in ongoing reconciliation mechanisms, the Government has informed the EU of the release of SL Rs 79 million to the Office of Reparations in June to settle 1,230 processed claims for reparation.  An additional SL Rs 80 million was released on 29 June to settle a further 1,451 processed claims, out of a total 3,389 processed claims.

The Government of Sri Lanka maintains a regular, cordial and multifaceted dialogue with the EU.  This includes the constructive cooperation existing between Sri Lanka and the European Commission on the review of the country’s EU GSP+ compliance with the 27 core International Conventions.

In this regard, the Third Cycle of Review of Sri Lanka in the GSP+ Monitoring Process for 2020-2021 is ongoing.  As part of this process, the Foreign Ministry has provided to the European Commission through diplomatic channels, the comprehensive Response of the Government of Sri Lanka to the List of Follow-up Questions on the current GSP+ monitoring cycle, in adherence to the agreed timeline.  The Response was compiled by the Foreign Ministry in consultation with 26 line ministries / state ministries / agencies and commissions.  A GSP+ Monitoring Mission for the Third Cycle is scheduled to visit Sri Lanka on mutually convenient dates in September/ October 2021.

As per the regular engagement between Sri Lanka and the EU, plans are underway to convene the Working Group on Governance, Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law on mutually agreed dates in the fourth quarter of this year.  The Foreign Ministry looks forward to convening, in consultation with the EU, the 24th session of the EU-Sri Lanka Joint Commission in the first quarter of 2022, to review all aspects of bilateral cooperation.

The Government of Sri Lanka will continue its close and cordial dialogue with the EU with regard to commitments, while demonstrating the country’s substantial progress in areas of reconciliation and development.

Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena and Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage have met senior representatives of the Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF) Sri Lanka, the Seafood Exporters’ Association of Sri Lanka (SEASL) and trade unions, and reassured them of the Government’s commitment to ensuring that the EU GSP+ would continue to remain beneficial to the country.  Meetings with the relevant Chambers of Commerce are scheduled, with a view to updating them on the Government’s engagement with the EU.

Foreign Ministry


01 July, 2021



Newly appointed Country Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to Sri Lanka Vimlendra Sharan called on Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena at the Foreign Ministry today, 28 June, 2021.

Welcoming the FAO Representative Sharan to Sri Lanka, Minister Gunawardena thanked the FAO for its continuous support extended to Sri Lanka. He particularly appreciated the valuable contribution being made by the FAO to Sri Lanka through various projects related to improvement and development of agriculture, fisheries, livestock, preserving and rehabilitating of forestry and biodiversity.

While elaborating the Sri Lanka’s policy on organic fertilizers, Minister Gunawardena sought technical assistance from the FAO to formulate a fast track programme to switch into resilient, sustainable agricultural practices.

The FAO Representative recalled Sri Lanka’s fruitful relations with the FAO since the FAO’s establishment in Sri Lanka which is well documented. He noted that the FAO is very keen to work closely with the Government of Sri Lanka to achieve the common objectives of sustainable food and nutrition security in the country.

Minister Gunawardena expressed his confidence on the excellent cooperation between the Government of Sri Lanka and the FAO will be further strengthened under the new FAO Representative in the years to come.

Foreign Ministry


28 June, 2021


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