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Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa

Sri Lanka condemns the terrorist attack on a bus in Karachi

Sri Lanka denounces in the strongest terms, today’s terrorist attack on a bus in Karachi, killing innocent civilians and injuring many.

Firing on men, women and children while they were on their way to participate in religious observances displays a brutality of unimaginable proportions.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this deplorable violence.  We stand firmly with the Government and people of Pakistan in their hour of grief and wish those who were injured, a quick recovery.

Sri Lanka condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and expresses support for all efforts to combat this scourge.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


13th May 2015


Foreign Minister Samaraweera briefs the diplomatic corps


At a meeting with the diplomatic community based in Colombo at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday 12 May, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera highlighted the achievements of the Government in the last four months. 

Read more: Foreign Minister Samaraweera briefs the diplomatic corps


Sri Lanka’s relief and rescue operations in the aftermath of the earthquake concludes with accolades from Nepal


The Nepal authorities have warmly commended the Sri Lanka contingent led by Maj. Gen. Maithri Dias and Brig. Jagath Gunawardena, on its excellent relief work during the two-week  rescue and relief operation in Nepal following the earthquake on 25 April 2015. The Sri Lankan Contingent returned to Sri Lanka on Monday night (11 May). 

Read more: Sri Lanka’s relief and rescue operations in the aftermath of the earthquake concludes with accolades from Nepal



Having learned with deep shock and consternation the unexpected crash of the Pakistan Army Helicopter in a mountainous area in Northern Pakistan, and the tragic loss of lives including the Ambassador of the Philippines and Ambassador of Norway and spouses of the Ambassador of Indonesia and the High Commissioner of Malaysia to Pakistan on 8th May 2015, the Government and people of Sri Lanka express its heartfelt condolences to the family members of the bereaved passengers. While sharing their grief and sorrow, the Government and people of Sri Lanka are confident that their courage and fortitude will help them overcome the irreparable loss and wish those injured a speedy recovery.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


10th May 2015


GoSL secures the release of Sri Lankan fishermen and boats detained in Myanmar

The Government of Sri Lanka has secured the release of 17 Sri Lankan fishermen, as well as their 03 boats which had been detained by the Myanmar authorities for allegedly poaching in the territorial waters of Myanmar in October 2014.

Read more: GoSL secures the release of Sri Lankan fishermen and boats detained in Myanmar


Sri Lanka assistance to Nepal in the aftermath of the earthquake


Following the calamitous earthquake in Nepal on 25 April 2015, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, telephoned the Prime Minister of Nepal, the Rt. Hon. Sushil Koirala and conveyed condolences and sympathies on the tragic loss of life and damage to property. On 26th April the Government of Sri Lanka dispatched an initial 48 member relief and rescue team comprising of doctors, engineers and other personnel from the Sri Lankan armed forces. The contingent commenced relief and rescue work in the Dolalghat area in the Kavre District as designated by the Government of Nepal. The Sri Lankan contingent was subsequently strengthened to 140 members on 29th April with the arrival of a second group.

Read more: Sri Lanka assistance to Nepal in the aftermath of the earthquake


Visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to Sri Lanka


US Secretary of State John Kerry who visited Sri Lanka at the invitation of Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera concluded his two-day visit to the country on Sunday 3rd May 2015.

Read more: Visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to Sri Lanka


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