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Deaths of a Sri Lankan national can be registered and death certificates could be issued at the High Commission/Consulate General provided the following conditions are satisfied:

The deceased had been a citizen of Sri Lanka, and the death had occurred in Canada. 

An application for the registration of death may be made by a close relative/friend  of the deceased who was present at the time of death, in attendance during the last illness of the deceased or who took action to dispose of the body of the deceased by burial, cremation on by other means. 

Application for the Registration of Death within 3 months from the date of death (click here for the application) 

Application for the Registration of Death after 3 months from the date of death (click here for the application) 

Other Required Documents (the original documents should be submitted with two photocopies)

a.  The Death Certificate issued by the Competent Canadian Authority of the place where the death occurred.

 b.  The Post-mortem Certificate issued by the Competent Canadian Authority of the place where the death occurred.

 c.  Passport of the deceased valid at the time of death. If the deceased is a minor, the passport of the parent in which the endorsement regarding the deceased is made.

 d.  Original Birth Certificates of the deceased

 e.  If the human remains have been repatriated to Sri Lanka for burial/cremation, the original of the Airway Bill (Air Cargo Bill).  If the human remains have been buried/cremated in Canada, a report issued by the relevant Canadian Authority.

 f.  The original passport of the person who submitted the documents for registration of the death.

Important Notice

All application made after one year, will be forwarded to the Registrar General's Department, Central Record Room, Maligawatta, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka, Tel : 00-94- 11 23 29 773,Fax : 00-94 -11 24 33 075 for approval. In such cases the death certificate will be issued only after approval is received from the Registrar General's Department.

Sending Human Remains to Sri Lanka

*Health measure to be followed in repatriation of human remains to Sri Lanka

  1. No Human corpse shall be landed in Sri Lanka unless such corpse has been;

a) Embalmed and enclosed in a coffin of hard wood with a lead of zinc lining; or

b) Packed in a coffin of hard wood with hermetically sealed lead or zinc lining with suitable disinfectants (such as chloride or line or zinc sulphate mixed with sawdust, filling the empty spaces within the coffin.

  1. The following documents should be produced -

a) Certificate from the health authority where the death occurred stating that the corpse has been embalmed or packed as required by para (1)

b) A certified copy of the certificate of registration of death issued by the Canadian registering authority of the place where the death occurred, stating the date and cause of death.

c) A certificate from the relevant Canadian Authority of the place where the death occurred stating that the removal of the corpse from the place of death has been sanctioned by the said authorities. (Burial/Transit Permit)

d) A certificate from the diplomatic representative of the Government of Sri Lanka or the British Consul of the place from which such corpse has been dispatched, stating that the coffin in which such corpse is encased contains only the body of the deceased.

e) Where no diplomatic representative of the Government of Sri Lanka or British Consul is stationed at such place, proof to the satisfaction of the proper authority that the coffin in which such corpse is encased contains only the body of the deceased.

f) A certificate from the local health authority stating that the deceased did not die of quarantinable disease.

g) Passport of the deceased.

h) Coroner’s certificate (if death was not due to natural reasons)

i) Police Report (if death was not due to natural reasons)

  1. where a vessel/aircraft arrives in Sri Lanka with the corpse of a person who has died during the voyage, or during the period that the vessel or aircraft remains in a port/airport in Sri Lanka, the master of the vessel/pilot shall,

(a) Inform the proper authority of such fact.

(b) Carry out all instructions given by the proper authority for the disposal of the body and for the cleansing and disinfection of the vessel or aircraft.

  1. In order to bring human ashes to Sri Lanka,

(a) Permission of the Controller General of the Department of Immigration & Emigration should be obtained *

(b) Such permission shall be granted only if the ashes are sealed in a metal container which is air-tight and water-tight.

* In order to obtain the Permission from the Controller General of the Department of Immigration and Emigration, following documents should be submit to the Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa/ Sri Lanka Consulate General in Toronto OR directly submit to the Consular Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombo by the Next of Kin.  

1.  Sri Lanka Birth Certificate / Citizenship Certificate

2.  Death Certificate

3. Statement of Death

4.  Certificate of the Death Cremation

5.  Passport of the deceased

6.  Itinerary of the flight carrying ashes to Sri Lanka (Cargo Details)

7.  Request letter from NOK

8..Passport copy of the NOK

Following charges will be levied

1. Registration of Death and Issuance of Death Certificate – CA$ 30.00

2. Additional Copy of the Death Certificate – CA$ 30.00

3. If you wish to get the Death Certificate by mail, you may pay additional CA$ 16.00 as postage / prepaid self addressed envelope.


i.  This High Commission/Consulate General is not responsible for any document lost in the post.

ii. Submission of forged documents and making false declarations relating to citizenship is a punishable offence. Fees will not be refunded in these circumstances

iii.  Incomplete applications will be rejected.