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Consulate Office
We provide Consular Services for the Sri Lankan Community living in Toronto and nearby areas, and aslo for the Canadaians visiting Sri Lanka. Other than our General Consular sevices, we promote Sri Lanka, its products and services to the world. We also conduct official Sri lankan Ceremonies, Functions and Events.
Our Consular Hours are Monday to Friday: 9.30 A.M. - 12.30 P.M. and 3.00 P.M. - 4.00 P.M. (pick up time)
The Consulate General of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in Toronto, Canada, commenced functioning with effect from 4th June 2001. It will attend to the consular work, passport and visa matters etc., in the Greater Toronto Area, Windsor and Kitchner.
The establishment of the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Toronto followed a decision made by the Cabinet of Ministers on the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to locate such offices in areas having a large Sri Lankan expatriate community in order to serve them expeditiously. The Consulate General will attend to the consular requirements of approximately 200,000 Sri Lankans living in the area and its presence in Toronto will provide opportunity for more interaction between representatives of the Government of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan community there. [Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sri Lanka]
Tel: 416 323 9133
Fax:416 323 3205
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it